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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Kingdom Update & Activity Check

    Our blood alliance with Nerine has developed into something more. With the passing of Queen Hestia, Scorch has become Queen Regnant of the Leviathans. Beneath her experience and wisdom, Nerine is grooming one of our own - Wishbone - to assume the throne when she comes of age. This decision and the Leviathans willingness to accept a Tephran as their new Queen, emulates the trust and loyalty that Nerine has in us. To show our good faith, Tephra is accepting of these changes and are more than willing to support the sisterhood in any way possible. Nerine is not a subkingdom of Tephra.

    Nerine's sister kingdom, Ischia, has now become one of our allies due to this change. The three most powerful countries of Beqanna are a united front against the darkness that comes from the southwestern forest of Sylva. Our loyalty extends from beyond the sisterhood and into the island of Ischia, creating a trifecta that is more than capable of keeping evil at a more than an arm's length.

    With our new allies, the lockdown has now been relieved. We are now the sanctuary that we once were, and you may come and go as you please. Remember, Sylva has taken from us and will not hesitate to do so again. The forest is off limits, even for diplomatic visits. If you must travel to our ally Hyaline or to Nerine, do so only by flight over the ocean, or with another - as you must go through Sylva on foot to get there. Loess, though has not attacked Tephra in any way, is an enemy of Ischia and therefore unfriendly to Tephra.

    Also, friendly mocks and steals are encouraged with our new allies. We must get to know our friends moreso than being just a name. A stronger bond means a stronger defense. Mocks and steals will be noted by myself and Amorette, and will play a vital role in promotions through the ranks. Tephra will be holding training in the very near future (for both war and peace).

    This also counts as an activity check. Please respond accordingly.

    Rank (or desired rank):

    With all my love and loyalty,
    Name: Maiven
    Rank (or desired rank): regular citizen
    Name: Phoebus
    Rank: Warrior, would like to talk to Warrick more about how to become head of war. Smile
    Name: Amorette
    Rank: Right-hand
    Thoughts/Concerns/Comments: Please feel free to approach Amorette! She loves to get to know all Tephrans Smile
    Name: Wound.
    Rank (or desired rank): Head of Peace.
    Thoughts/Concerns/Comments: She's itching to get to know everyone in Tephra, so feel free to strike up a starter with her. She's also here for emotional support if anyone needs that (sweet little momma bird over here)...
    Levi is here and in the guard - he will have an 'any' post up by the end of the week

    Tangerine and Sibyl are residents <3
    Starsonder . Locheed . Oberyn
    Solace . Levi . Firen . Clegane . Warlight
    Mina is here!
    [Image: 20170518-Letter-Library-Monoline-V3_Lett...80x280.png]
    Ok... Here. We. Go

    Klaudius- guard
    Kromium- army
    Karat- diplomat
    Kove and Ketzia- foals

    Kolera- resident
    Zain- resident
    AuroraElis- resident healer
    Diavoli- resident

    Ummm I. Think. That's. All.
    Update due to recent plots:

    Remove from ranks-
    Kove (Ketzia I believe as well but she's not my character)

    Can stay but activity is frozen-

    -Semi Active-

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