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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mature]  A God's Creation || Ivar ||

    Their gathering had soon come to a close and I itch to explore further. If the rose gold mare wishes to take them up on their offer of visiting Ischia, Leilan was more than capable of escorting her, or Ivar, if he so chose to follow them.  There was just something mysterious about the gold-laced man that suggests swimming was more his style of travel.  Perhaps it was the scales that suggest this to me.  

    I bid them farewell and notion that I would see them around(some sooner than others I hoped).  My lithe frame motions toward the waters that were just at my heels.  Absentmindedly,(it could have been) brushing the soft flesh of my shoulder, against the slick of Ivars unique pelt as I curl my body around.  With a delicate arch of my neck, my aquamarine eyes flick back to view where he stood.  Eagerness swirls in the depths of my body and begs to be sated, so I tempt him to follow me...


    As soon as my hooves sink into the cool waters, I revel in its comforting embrace.  Each step draws me deeper into its depths and darkens my charcoal pelt.  The burning rays of light, dull instantly and again I am reminded why I prefer sea vs land.  

    When I am about 2 feet within the channel, parting two land masses, my hindquarters smooth into a singular fleshy limb.  Fore limbs still pull me further into the flowing stream until I can fully submerge myself.  Here my fin can propel me freely up the currant, as I have decided that I am not done with this place.  On one shoreline, a grassy plain stretches for miles and on the other I can make out flora similar to my island home.  The beaches seem to be more rock than sand, so it intrigues me to dig deeper into my exploration...  


    A God's Creation ~ Carnage X Dynast

    @[Ivar] throwing this up for you.  I imagine they were at where the field and channel of Tephra meet, and she is continuing through it. I am not assuming he follows so she is basically just setting out here, and if he does then YAY.  If not(lol) this thread is free to anyone BUT she is simply swimming by Tephra, not really in the kingdom or having intentions of going on land Smile
    I V A R
    promising everything i do not mean
    Their interaction had been brief, but the kelpie reads Deiti’s invitation without issue. He meets her cerulean gaze as she is leaving the conversation, and holds it with his own metallic gold for a moment longer than necessary before turning to say his farewells to the group as well. The smoky black mare is headed north and slightly east, to where the molten heat of Tephra warms the channel that separates it from the rest of Beqanna. Ivar follows her from a distance, keeping her a dark mark on the horizon as he moves across the endless plain of shallow white snow and dead golden grass.

    Ahead of him, the peak of Tephra rises out of its omnipresent steam. The wind is from the east, and it carries the thick scent of sulfur out to sea rather than toward him, and Ivar is grateful. He had enough of that on his single journey to the volcanic kingdom a few years ago.

    His shadow is growing long ahead of him by the time the piebald stallion reaches the water. The water splashes against his scaled fetlocks as he tests the temperature, and then he dives in forefeet first. From a standstill to a jump, the motion would be insanity for any equine, yet the tail that splashes the water a moment before he is entirely submerged suggests that he is certainly something more. That much is obvious beneath the water, where a finned tail, webbed hind legs, and a pair of finlike wings propel him effortlessly through the current.

    Ivar movements are most reminiscent of a crocodilian hunter, and indeed: as he appears in the water beside Deiti, there are even sharp teeth glinting behind his white lips.

    Those lips do not inspect the curious curve of her finned tail as they long to, but there is clear interest in the stallion’s golden gaze. The kelpie recognizes his kind without hesitation, and is not concerned with how the gawky child he had once known has become the enchanting creature that he now pursues. She had said she lived in Ischia, so keeping her does not seem as if it will be too difficult. The ease with which she slips through the water appeals to his most primal instincts.

    He does not close the space between them in the lukewarm water, instead choosing to keep a distance between them that she will have to close with intent. Ivar is appropriately wary of kelpie mares and has the scars to prove it.

    I know my lies could not make you believe
    in my dark times, baby this is all I could be
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    One knows when they are being watched.  The feeling of eyes slipping across your flesh was something that prey creatures had developed to save their skins from the predator that persuded them.  I am not that prey, or at least no more.  I have found my inner self, the demon lurking inside that my mother had warned my uncle would surface.  Though I am not all that she imagined.  I have not taken life, not yet.  

    I do not feel his eyes upon me as I slip through the salty fresh waters of the channel.  Surfacing occasionally to view the lands on either side -both so different in every way- I don't give it a second thought that anyone has followed me here, especially not by water.  I cannot say I hadn't wanted it though.  The creature that lurks alongside me now is one I know and the flash of his pearly fangs does not frighten me, as I flash my own set at him in a delicate smile.  My brilliant flesh reflects rainbows as sunlight filters through the aqua around me.  I slow to tread in place, watching him examine me in this form.  The large expanse of my finned tail nearly brushing his, though he retains a distance between us.  I can't help but announce my knowing, "I thought there was something... familiar about you."   My voice almost saultry in tone.  Something about my kelpie form, transformed the innocents of my equine self into a siren of the sea.

    Another pass of my fin and I find the currents have moved me closer to him, or was it him to me.  I was unsure but it mattered nonetheless.  My aquamarine eyes lock onto his and for a moment the world is silent around me...   


    A God's Creation ~ Carnage X Dynast

    @[Ivar] a million sorries this took so long... Lets do this shall we Wink
    The teeth behind her smile as as sharp as Ivar's own, and the kelpie drifts closer in the water, allowing the current to brush his piebald side against hers. Despite the earlier invitation he had read in her eyes, the smaller mare seems cautious, unwilling to close the distance between them. Yet there is no reluctance in her voice when she speaks, which emboldens the sapphire scaled creature.

    When the waves brush him against her again he does not drift away. Instead he twines his tail around hers, keeping her close even as the water slides against them. "Familiar?" he repeats, a faint smile on his white mouth. "I must have missed this back in Loess." She'd been just a filly then; for all his predatory nature the kelpie is uninterested in hunting children. They might be easy prey, but they are too young to capture his interest. Now though, Deitit is no longer a gangly foal; she is a mare that fits perfectly into his side.

    Ivar rests one fin across her back; they're too close for him to tuck it back against him without pulling away. "Were you heading back to Ischia?" Asks the kelpie, as though they are continuing their earlier conversation in the field. He can think of a number of interesting detours they might make on the way back to the island.

    ooc: no worries! i didn't know if she has her scales yet or not so i just didn't mention them Tongue

    The silence is broke when I feel a warmth enveloped me.  The familiar feeling of fin on my hide, but it is not my own.  I am not afraid, even as he pulls us closer.  Brushing his smooth scales along my slick hide.  Their beautiful pattern is envious and for a moment I trace the edges of his marking with my eyes.  Words find him and my reply is nothing more than a girlish smile.  Even I had not known this part of my when I lived in Loess.  That was such a long time ago.

    Sapphire eyes uplift to find his gaze once again when he asks of her destination.  I hadn't really thought about where I was headed but at the moment I wished to be nowhere else.  "Perhaps," I state in a mysterious tone, "I haven't explored much beyond Loess and Ischia... You know how my...father was."  I was weird to say father knowing that he wasn't, but I had known no other.  

    Shaking the thoughts from my mind, I refocus on the creature wrapped around me. "And what of you Ivar.  What are you doing here?"  I inquire in a faux naivety.  I was not yet a woman but not still a girl, so I recognize the intentions of a man when I see one.  Ivar is nothing but a man.  


    A God's Creation ~ Carnage X Dynast

    @[Ivar] She does not exhibit them yet.  I imagine there are a few around her tail fin but not entire body.
    The darkness of her sleek sides are reminiscent of the seals who slip through the cold waters of Nerine. Ivar often pursues them, but it is rarely out of hunger. They are almost as swift in the water as he is, though their dark bodies allow for far more agility than the kelpie is capable of. He wonders, as he traces the edges of her mane with curious lips, if Deiti might be as agile beneath the water. The mare is certainly smaller after all. Ivar suspects he has her already, but it has been some time since he had an enjoyable chase beneath the water.  

    Nearly three years have passed since Ivar has had a match beneath the waves, and he is growing ever more curious what sort of challenge Deiti might pose. His amorous intentions do not fade entirely at her mention of Imperial, but the memory of the stallion does quell any immediate action the scaled creature might have been planning. The kelpie hums a quiet note of agreement to her statement regardless; he cannot imagine the older male allowing his children to venture far from his sight, even as adults.

    The casual way she shifts from mystery to naivety brings a smile to the edges of the kelpie's mouth. He is not sure which is the role she is playing: ingenue or soubrette, but he enjoys them both equally.

    "Is it so hard to believe we might have crossed paths by accident?" He asks, one brow quirked as though daring her to answer otherwise. "Perhaps I just wanted to make sure you made it back to the main island safely. That is where you live, isn't it?" The kelpie cannot recall seeing her before - and surely he would not have missed her - so he assumes she must dwell somewhere out of sight of his western island. That is most of Ischia, after all.

    Despite the innocuous nature of his questions, the kelpie still has not left his position at Deiti's side. His casual tracing of the edges of her mane have begun to trail lower, along the curve of muscle in her dark neck. She is softer than the seals, he finds, though the thrum of her heartbeat is far closer to the surface of her skin. He can almost feel it beneath his lips, quick and steady. He wants it faster, and the gentle pressure of his muzzle is replaced with the softest scrape of sharp teeth against skin.

    "How good at you at swimming?" Ivar asks without preamble.

    His smile is quite charming and I mull over the reasons it paints across his lips so suddenly.  Had it been a look upon my face, or simply my choice of words, he found so entertaining...

    His next question is the answer to my musings.  An innocent looks befalls such a not so innocent face and I give a girlish giggle, pushing my forehoof into his shoulder and attempting to peel myself from his web.  "Oh that is all you are doing huh..." I give him the same rise of brow, awaiting reaffirmation of his innocence"I'll have you know, I am quite capable of taking care of myself," I say as my tail fin begins to unravel from his.  Persistent lips trail along my dark hide and cause my heart to flutter faster.

    It is when his teeth rake against my tender flesh that triggers something dangerous deep within.  I do not see the physical changes, but feel a tight pressure starting from my fin and dominoing upwards.  The dark pelt I had been born with, latches together in a neat array of leathery patterns.  Dark hairs of my equine coat, vanish.  Without reason, the chill of the water dulls as if some barrier has formed.  My eyes grow wide when the pupil shrinks to a fine slit and I find my gaze narrowing upon the creature linked to me.  He has asked a question and I only now answer, "Excellent." My answer is monotone and I have this nagging feeling something is wrong.  When I see Ivars expression change, my own gaze shifts to find what has truly transpired, "W..Wh..What just happened?" I stutter in my dazed state.  I see now my skin is slick and hairless, not quite fish but not quite snake either.  Again I attempt to pry his grip from me so I may freely examine myself... 


    A God's Creation ~ Carnage X Dynast

    @[Ivar] Ok. She has scales and reptile eyes now... though I think they lean more towards snake than fish... :/
    She pulls away from him, and Ivar does not resist, allowing the dark haired to distance herself to where she is comfortable. The kelpie has no interest in the unwilling.

    “I'm sure you can take care of yourself,” Ivar replies, delighting in the rapid flutter of her heart in response to his touch. She might be pulling away, but the kelpie knows that she is still interested. The possibility of a hunt, even an unexpected one, is enough to keep him close. It is that closeness that allows him to witness first hand the shifting of her skin.

    From soft hair beneath his teeth, there are suddenly scales, as sleek and smooth as those of the sea snakes. Their appearance is accompanied by a rather monotone response to the flirtatious question he'd asked, and Ivar pulls back to meet her gaze for some explanation.

    Her eyes are now slit-pupiled and brilliantly blue, and they are surrounded by the oddly colorful black scales that cover Deiti from head to tail.

    “I take it those are new?” He asks curiously, twisting his tail back beneath him to better move and look at the scales across her body. “I like them.” His intentions are not forgotten (if anything, they are fueled by the increasing similarities between the two of them), but he is a curious creature at heart.

    Breaking free from his conveniently loosening grip, I am allowed to examine myself.  With a sideways curl of my tail, I can see the laced webbing of new skin that covered my entire figure.  My coloring radiating even more brightly with the smooth texture -gleaming rays of sunlight back skywards.

    He is examining me just as I am, curious as to the transformation that has taken place.  His redundant comment causes my expression to twist sideways, “Well of course they are new.” I snicker slightly, twisting my tail to keep me treaded in one place.  Even though I have broken his contact, I do not move far.  My interest is still in his attention, and currently, I have captured it.

    I like them

    A smirk forms at his infatuation and a flick my tail under me to inch me close to him, “You like them huh.” I muse, “Do they suit me?”  With a delicate twist of tail, my body twirls in a tight spiral -presenting my whole self for a easy viewing.  Eyelashes bat flirtatiously as I complete my pirouette.

    I have nearly forgotten my reasons for being here and that was to explore an unfamiliar world.  With a smirk, I turn my back to the kelpie man, propeling myself forwards swiftly.  I do not call for him to follow, I will let him decide on his own accord, but I have a sneaking suspicion he enjoys the chase.  

    There is little resistance of the water against my new exterior and I find it rather convenient, for me.  Perhaps before I was unsure of my swimming abilities but now I had a new confidence.  The cool aqua slid down each groove of my scales with ease and I feel evermore as one with my sea...


    A God's Creation ~ Carnage X Dynast

    //Kelpie Mimicry-Scales-Snake Eyes-Immortality\\
    Kelpie Mimicry Traits- Enhanced Beauty, Finned tail(in water only), Sharp Teeth
    :|: Physical Appearance :|:
    Black rainbow sheen scales, blue snake eyes
    She snickers, smirks, and spins for him. The kelpie recognizes these signs as what they are, and he is more than happy to encourage them. His golden gaze is slow to wind itself around the scaled body that she twirls to show him, and when Deiti asks if the new scales suit her, Ivar's only immediate response is a rather wolfish grin.

    There's no need to hide that, after all. Not with someone that might give him the hunt that he hadn't been aware he even wanted. It makes sense; there have been numerous unsatisfying encounters of late, and the hunger hasn't been truly sated in months. Ivar is careful with Kylin of late, and his companion in Nerine has left for greener shores.

    Indeed, Deiti takes off without warning, a few quick flicks of her tail leaving Ivar floating alone.

    The scaled stallion follows, the steady back and forth of his crocodilian tail pushing him through the water as the fins at his side flare and flick. He catches up to her quickly, dropping lower in the channel only to spin and rise up beneath her, the tip of his tail trailing the length of her underside. Upside-down swimming is not his preferred method of travel, but he is enjoying the view more than usual.

    Deiti seems to be headed somewhere, and Ivar - who has nothing to do for several hours - has decided to follow her.

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