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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Fly Away

    -a quote goes here-

    As they went on the journey to Hyaline she watched the colt beside her. Rhynne gave Symba a small smile as they finally arrived to the lands. She said "We are home Symba. I hope you will like it here." She watched as he started to run and buck. She had laughed when he had fallen into the snow. The black mare decided to join Symba in on his fun. Rhynne began to run and jump as she played with the buckskin colt.



    The past can hurt. But the way I see it,
    you can either run from it or learn from it.

    The young colt laughs and smiles as he plays with his mom. His mom.. He likes the sound of that. Of course he's never going to forget the mother who birthed him and laid lifeless next to him as he tried to get her up.

    After his little bucking spree and galavant around the snow, he comes to a walk and goes back to Rhynne's side. He looks around and smiles. "Why aren't many horses here, mama?" he asks her, curious. He spots a small fawn over by the rocks and he smiles, wanting to play with it. "It looks like me!" He says excitedly.

    He trots to the fawn before it prances away. Symba, curious as to how the fawn runs, tries to follow and copy that prance, except he can't figure out where to put his legs. He manages two prances before he stops short and lets out a shrill whinny before he flies into a snowbank. He pushes himself off with his front two legs to get out and he falls backwards again, but this time quickly gets up and trots over to Rhynne like nothing happened. He looks to Rhynne, unaware that is little golden buckskin face is now covered with snow and the black tufts of hair are white from the small balls of snow that hangs off it.



    for every tyrant, a tear for the vulnerable
    in every lost soul, the bones of a miracle

    Kensa does not delay her return to Hyaline long. She has a new responsibility to look after her kingdom’s people and invite more to join them as she can. Join them in a place where they may not be safe from plague? No, the healthy she would send on into Silver Cove, to Kagerus and Ilma, and all the others who would be safe and protected in that new place of Sanctuary.

    Fresh snow fell during the night and she is forced to break trail through toward the lake but the day is clear and bright and she very quickly spots a black mare with a buckskin colt in tow. The two of them are unfamiliar, and as she draws near she notices the both of them seem healthy--though she has yet to see someone who is suffering from the illness--and the sturdy chestnut mare hurries to come into a conversational distance with the mother and child.

    ”Hello!” She calls, finally coming into the shallower snow that has drifted up into piles, one of which it seems the golden boy has just recently tumbled into. ”I don’t believe we’ve met, are you hoping to make a home here?” Her question is warm, but there is a thread of worry underlying her words. Looking at the child, younger even than many of Hyaline’s youthful residents, her brow furrows. “Hyaline is a sanctuary, but I’m afraid it isn’t completely safe right now.” She doesn’t want to frighten them, but it seems like the dark mare doesn’t know the danger of illness outside of the protected places.

    ”I’m sorry, let me start again. My name is Kensa, what are your names?”

    for every dreamer, a dream. we're unstoppable with something to believe in.

    @[Rhynne] @[Symba]

    -a quote goes here-

    The black mare smiled at her son and said "I'm not sure where everyone is." Before she could say another word Symba was casing a fawn. She continued to watch over the boy and sighed softly. Rhynne then spotted a chestnut mare that had come upon the pair. She gave her a smile and said "Its a pleasure meeting you Kensa. My name is Rhynne and this is my adopted son Symba."  She wandered what Kensa meant when she had said the lands weren't safe. She then said "I live here and in the forest. Where is everyone?"


    @[Symba] @[Kensa]

    The past can hurt. But the way I see it,
    you can either run from it or learn from it.

    Symba looks over to the new mare, curiously. He eagerly jumps into the conversation, smiling excitedly. "I'm Symba! My mama is gone.. I laid all alone with my mama," he begins to explain before Rhynne cuts him off. He goes silent and then hides behind Rhynne. "Where is everyone?" Symba repeats peaking his small golden head being covered by Rhynne's tail.

    Symba begins to prance around the two of them before trying to lick the snow. He sticks his tongue out from the cold. He makes a funny face from the coldness of the snow on his tongue. He chuckles and goes back to prancing around the mares before he goes to Rhynne's teat and begins to suckle.


    @Rhynne, @Kensa

    for every tyrant, a tear for the vulnerable
    in every lost soul, the bones of a miracle

    The dark mare says that she lives in both Hyaline and the forest and Kensa nods. “Well then I’m sorry that we have not yet met, I’m happy to meet you and Symba, welcome to Hyaline.” She is attentive when the child speaks, smiling at his eager friendliness, but soon she redirects her attention to Rhynne and the question they both have.

    “Most of the members of The Sanctuary have moved into Silver Cove. You may not have heard that a plague had struck Beqanna. Silver Cove is a place of safety where you might avoid infection.” She speaks gently and softly, though her eyes are worried. She doesn’t want to scare the boy, but it’s important that his new mother knows the danger. “I have remained here to serve as Ambassador, and I would be happy to see you remain in Hyaline, but you will likely be safer in Silver Cove. Most of our number is there, and I can show you the way.

    She hopes she is doing right by the little family. Maybe she should demand the mare take her child to safety? Isn’t it her job to help keep the people of Hyaline safe? Yes, but she will not tell the woman what she must do. “The choice is yours, I only want everyone in the Kingdom to be as safe as they can be.”

    for every dreamer, a dream. we're unstoppable with something to believe in.


    -a quote goes here-

    The black mare smiled at the other mare as she watch her son. She took in the chestnut mare words and nodded slowly. She hadn't met this mare before but she had met the mare by the name of Ilma. Rhynne said "I had heard about the plague but not about the move to the safe place." She wasn't sure if the pair should rest before the journey to the safe place. The red blazed girl gave a small smile to her little one and took a look around. She then said "Once Symba is done nursing and gets a little rest we can journey to the safe place."


    @[Symba] @[Kensa]

    The past can hurt. But the way I see it,
    you can either run from it or learn from it.

    Symba looks over to his mother and lets out a nicker. "What's a plague?" He asks, hearing the fear in his mother's voice. He begins to prance around her mother, curious as to what's going on and why they need to leave. "Where are we going, mama?"

    He turns to Kensa and listens to her words. "What's a Silver Cove? Can we go there?" He asks, getting excited. "Please, please, please!" He pleads while looking to Rhynne. "Are there other babies like me there?" He turns back to Kensa. 


     @Rhynne @Kensa 

    (Sorry for the lateness!! I have been busy with school I'm back though!)

    for every tyrant, a tear for the vulnerable
    in every lost soul, the bones of a miracle

    “Well let me know when you are ready and I can show you the way.” Kensa replies with a smile to the red blazed mare. Then to the little sandy-gold cold she says, ”Silver Cove is a nice place on the coast, and there are other children there and more soon to be born.” She will leave answers to questions like what is plague to the discretion of his mother.

    “I will not be far.” She says with a slight inclination of her head toward Rhynne before excusing herself to allow mother and son to have their quiet time. When they are ready she will show them the way to Silver Cove. She is a little sorry to be pushing the charming pair toward the cove, but they will be safe there and Kagerus and Ilma will watch over them both.

    So she roams a little ways off, hoping to perhaps encounter Litotes and tell him about the rambunctious colt she’d just met, and reminisce about easier days.

    for every dreamer, a dream. we're unstoppable with something to believe in.

    @[Rhynne] @[Symba] I'm going to pull Kensa out of this thread. You guys can continue as you like and then we'll just pretend Kensa showed them they way. Smile

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