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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    call me the world's sexiest killing machine; kharon
    Kirby ushered Kharon out of the clusterfuck of a cozy little family reunion on the beach, giving his shoulder a gentle nudge. C’mon, baby, I got you, we’ll figure it out, yeah? You and me, we’ve got this. So, so fucking careful not to let himself slip into panic mode too, ‘cause it wouldn’t help anything, and he could be abjectly terrified later, right? Sure. Got this.

    He ignored the way his heart had leapt into his throat, the way it was pounding in his head, the way his iron felt just a little superheated like it was ready to throw the fuck down with anybody who tried to get in his goddamn way. Not helping. Focus.

    Who’s missing, baby? Is it Kylin or Mom? Nobody else but them or Kali would put that frantic note in Kharon’s projected thoughts, would have his eyes so wide with panic, and he’d already said Kali was safe with Umbra. Who, btw, good for Kharon. But Kirby would smirk and nudge him about that later, when they didn’t have such insanely more important concerns.

    God, was it Kylin again? His poor baby girl had already been through so much, had been separated from all of them for years while just weeks had gone by for the entire rest of her family. She’d dealt with enough. But she was also the easiest of the two for him to see needing space, or going looking for someone she’d left behind. A baby daddy or two, for example, now that her girls were both safely tucked away on their new little island home.

    He didn’t wanna think it could be Lacey gone missing. His brash, beautiful, sexy, stubborn as fuck Lacey, with flashing eyes and a stubborn sneer that sharpened her gorgeous face, honed it into something more, something deeper. The thought of her being gone, fuck, okay don’t think though just let Kharon have three seconds to answer the question before you lose your shit, Kerb. Just breathe. We’ll figure it out, baby, we’ll find her, you just gotta tell me who.
    Bite my shiny metal ass.

    oh baby, I have not been kind

    He'd let Kylin know too, and she was already searching. They were frantic with Mom's disappearance. That stupid saying kept repeating in his mind. You know the one. You don't really know what you have until it's gone. Mom had always been there, quiet and keeping to herself or settled at Reilly's side.

    And now suddenly she wasn't.

    His eyes were tight as he walked quickly at Dad's side. He wasn't even sure why he was bothering because he could already hear that she wasn't here, wasn't anywhere near. He was completely, silently freaking out that he hadn't heard anything before she was just.. just gone. He hadn't heard anyone thinking of hurting her, hadn't heard her thinking of leaving.

    She was just gone. Vanished.
    A magician maybe? Someone that could block his telepathy.

    Mom, he finally said, his voice surprisingly solemn despite the fear and worry and panic piercing through his every muscle. Mom is gone. I can't hear her. Could she have died?? I never heard anything. She wasn't thinking about leaving. I didn't catch any stray thoughts of anyone planning to take her or anything.

    She was just.. Just gone.

    He stopped abruptly and looked at Dad, his eyes brimming with tears and his voice strained.
    Dad, where could she be? Is she... Is she dead? Is that why I can't hear her? His legs started trembling and his voice broke. He didn't know what the fuck they were going to do if that was the case. He couldn't even handle thinking about it. Mom had always been there; mostly unnoticed, but always there.

    I wish I could scrape away the dirt that's on my mind

    Quotes are speech. Italics are telepathy
    Kirby did his best not to panic, locked down the frantic racing of his heart, the buzzing in his head that wanted so desperately to be frenzied words jumbling into a terrified mess--not the fuckin’ time. He could fall apart when the crisis was fucking over, and it would be over. So he breathed, and he tugged Kharon close and wrapped him up in a hug.

    Mom’s okay, baby. She’s okay. I don’t know what happened, but we’ll find her, and everything’s gonna be okay. He would make it be okay. There was no other option, there was no them without Lacey, so it just was not allowed to be a possibility that they’d lost her forever. Hell, with the amount of magic in this gods-forsaken place, there was bound to be someone who could bring her back even if she had died, so no. It’s gonna be okay, baby. She’s gonna be okay.

    He held Kharon close and dug deep to be strong for his boy, to be steady and solid and everything Kharon needed from him right now. They’d find Lacey, safe and sound and whole, and he’d probably lose his shit and yell at her for scaring them, and she’d tell him to go fuck himself and that he didn’t own her and it’d be just another normal bit of banter.

    They’d find her. Because it would kill him if they didn’t. It would kill them all.

    We’ll find her. We will. When’s the last time you heard her? They could start from there, narrow it down. Figure out how long she’d been missing at least. Fuck, was it because of--nah. Just a talk. It was fine. Probably fine at least. Fuck. Okay. Shh. Focus. He took another steadying breath and kept his eyes on Kharon, ready to work together and figure this shit out.
    Bite my shiny metal ass.

    oh baby, I have not been kind

    Dad pulled him in for a hug and it felt good, eased him just a little as if Dad could make everything right again like when he'd kiss away his scraped knees and bruises. His eyes watered and he pressed in against him harder, feeling the firm metal against his cheek. It would be so nice if Dad could just call her name and she'd be there, right where she's always been. Mom was so plain and brown and quiet. He didn't realize how much her silence would hurt him, her absence.

    His chest shook quietly with subtle sobs as Dad whispered promises to him that she'd be okay, she had to be, they'd find her and she'd be okay. It felt like such an impossible thing, so huge and painful. HOW? How could they find her? How could she be okay? He couldn't hear her! She was dead, she had to be. He couldn't find a shred of hope left in him, but Dad was adamant, he needed her to be okay too, so Kharon nodded and wiped his tears away.

    Okay. They'd look for her. They might find her dead body instead, but they'd look for her. And then they'd find some kind of a magician to bring her back to life. They could do that, sure. Okay.

    He nodded again and sniffed. She um.. I think she was talking to Tiphon. But they'd just seen him so maybe that was another time. Or um. Fuck! I don't know. How can he not know?? He should've realized when she went quiet. He should've noticed immediately, could have found her by now before something bad happened to her.

    He shook his head. He had nothing. He wasn't helpful.
    Where do we look?? I can't remember, I didn't notice right away..

    I wish I could scrape away the dirt that's on my mind

    Quotes are speech. Italics are telepathy
    Kirby held his boy tight, rubbed his cheek against sleek lavender and white that matched him so perfectly but was softer, gave in ways he couldn’t. They’d really made perfection, him and Lace, all three of their babies were magnificent. And all three of them needed her. Their whole family needed her, himself included, even if he was a selfish fuck for admitting it. He had no damn right to need her after what he’d put her through, but there it was.

    From the first damn moment he saw her, so sharp and jagged already, so exquisite, her loud mouth and the fire in her eyes and something so delicate and fragile hidden behind those gorgeous angel eyes. Something that he’d so desperately needed to paint across her skin, the intricate lacework the best he could do to bring it out to the surface. He’d needed all that breakable beauty for his own, and he’d smashed her wide open just to touch it, hadn’t he?

    This was his fault, wasn’t it?

    If she’d left, it was because of him. He’d let her walk away, what if she just hadn’t stopped walking? Fuck. He was such a fucking idiot. Always had been, but she brought out the utter dumbass in him, made him so stupidly oblivious with those gorgeous goddamn eyes that tried so hard to hide her hurt. And her stupid, perfect face that made him wanna fix everything he’d smashed so ruthlessly. Even though she’d told him, hadn’t she? It still echoed in his head. Nothing he could do to make it right.

    It’s okay, baby. I think...I think this is my fault. She’s okay. Fuck, he hoped it was his fault, that she’d just wised up and walked as far away from him as her perfect goddamn legs could take her. He’d so fucking desperately rather she’d left because he was a moron and broke her heart than because anything had happened to her. Fuck, fuck, if something had--no. Nothing had fucking happened to her, because it would kill them.

    It would kill him.

    I don’t know, baby. I don’t know how far you can hear, but maybe you can do a flyover, listen in for her as you go? She can’t’ve gone far, right? I’ll check Ischia, you check Tephra, we’ll see if she’s close? Maybe she’d just gone to scout out the other safe havens, see if there was somewhere she could take the kids where she didn’t have to see him every day. Stupid, stubborn woman, he’d go back to Ischia if she needed space from him. But she’d never say it, would she?
    Bite my shiny metal ass.

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