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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    i pretend i'm burning bright; spear + spark
    They are creatures of careless, wayward affection;
    Her black nose touches his shoulder playfully, and he smiles at her - a quick flash of a grin that is boyish, charming.
    That same black nose touches Spark’s pale shoulder too, and her smile is ever greater, making her face lovely in its expression of happiness.

    “Yes, we are twins.” their voices are a chorus of tender expression, their own noses touching each other’s for the space of a breath. Then their noses converge once more upon Lily, slipping along her sleek black ribs and rifling through the red strands of her alluring hair. They cannot help themselves as they ingrain her smell and the look of her in their minds; it is not as if they could ever forget her! She is red and black, like they have bits of red and black in them - just their eyes, but still - or the fact of the fire that is gone from her. They hope this elemental bereavement is only temporary… that her fire will come back, but they are children and believe greatly in all things, only because they’ve known no taste of sorrow (except briefly, when the earth shook and their mother was not next to them) up to now.

    “Very weird…” Spear says, still eyeballing her wings. How odd that the fire disappeared but things that had never been before were all of a sudden there, but she mentions the mountain - could it have had something to do with that? There is a new light in his eyes all of a sudden; “Maybe what is taken, is given back in a different way from the Mountain…” He wonders if anyone else has figured this out yet - that everything is linked to the Mountain that had never before been there, and really, mountains like that should not grow up out of the earth overnight!

    Spark sees how Lily starts to droop as if the sun has gone behind a cloud, and it has - her happiness at friends and wings and things, has dimmed a little. “It’s okay Lily,” she says, but the filly is perking up in an instant, rubbing her face along their necks and they nuzzle her gently in return. She’s like the third amigo to them, and they are happy they’ve found her too. “Everything is better with a bit of cuddling from good friends,” she says laughing and they both cuddle up close to her again before spiraling away in fits of good-natured laughter and play. “Try your wings, Lily!” Spear calls out to her, as they move in and out of each other’s way, and circle around her. “We want to see you fly!” They are encouraging little buggers, aren’t they?

    Spear & Spark

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    RE: i pretend i'm burning bright; spear + spark - by Spear + Spark - 09-06-2016, 07:13 AM

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