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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    stick your stupid slogan in [any]
    when its all the same
    you can ask for it by name
    Not much to look at, unless you’re fascinated with endless fields of grass and purple wildflowers. Mortal wasn’t terribly intrigued by it but he was sure that someone could be. No, it was nice enough of course, the tall green grass brushed his stomach just so, and the flowers were fragrant but he hadn’t taken a particular fondness to studying plant matter. Mortal was more into people and places in general than the particular aspects of a place, like for instance, this Meadow.

    He was more interested in the horses that moved through the rolling fields and rested under the few trees that provided shade from the sun. It just so happened that the meadow was a good place to do that, merely coincidental. It met all the basic needs, food, drink, shelter.

    The draft cross left his twins side rarely as of late, what with all the changes taking place it was best to stick close. Heavens forbid they be separated on a much larger scale than this last time, he didn’t want to take that chance. However he couldn’t be a constant shadow, that was irritating to anyone and he was a growing man besides. Silly to try to hold big brothers hand forever.

    Yet he wanted to be useful so he thought he might look for others to help in their cause, the one of finding a place for the non-magic folk, those that were untraited. Just so happens he was no such thing, the evidence screaming from his back in a pair of large, inky black bird wings.
    killdare x dacia
    html by call

    short posts anyone?
    The light that shines so bright.

    Gyps, too, had been separated from those she loved. The one that she held closest to her heart had been reunited with her, but she hadn’t found a trace of her parents and siblings. It hadn’t stopped her from looking for them, although finding Andras – and hearing him say he hadn’t seen them either – made it able for her to leave it somewhat behind. They had to be fine, all were perfectly capable of looking out for themselves.

    A soft breeze ruffles the feathers of her wings, which resulted in her pulling them tighter against her body. Not due to the coldness, nor wanting to hide herself, it merely had become a habit of trying to sooth herself, as if she was underneath her father’s wings. Gyps’ thoughts aren’t with him though and there is even a small smile that adorns her lips, eyes enjoying the view that the meadow offered. Not only to her, but to all those who wanted to see. Except for the purple, it somehow reminded her of the Golden Plains.

    ”You look like something is missing, an other half of ones being, perhaps?” The smile that now tugs on her lips is a slightly amused one, but still friendly nonetheless. Gyps didn’t mean any harm. As she settles next to him she drops her head slightly, causing the dark blue flop of hair on her head to sway. ”Mind me keeping you company? I’m Gyps.”


    Are you still up for it? ^^

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