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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    do you feel like a young god? any
    if there's a light at the end, it's just the sun in your eyes

    The wisteria, with their lavender-colored boughs, are Amet's favorite. He's found a particularly vibrant one on the eastern side of the lake that he can be found laying beneath at all hours of the days, trying to figure out the comfortable ways to preen his new gold and bronze scales. He doesn't quite enjoy the menial task, but the boy had decided that the sooner he got used to them, the sooner he would stop jumping at the sight of his reflection in the crystalline lake.

    It's autumn now, but the foliage is still bright and welcoming, making Amet hopeful that their winters will be mild, or maybe even warm. He is content here in the Lake, where it's still warm enough for his liking, but doesn't resemble the Dunes in the least.

    It's been a few days since he had seen Iset and, despite his desire to find the young girl, Amet has forced himself to stay by his tree and wait for her to calm down at her own pace. Working on being something less abrasive, at least in regards to his sister, was proving to be more difficult than the Akhal-Teke had expected.

    Frustration rises swiftly in his chest, a hot and uncomfortable fireball, and the dragon-scaled boy bounds swiftly to his hooves before racing towards the Lake, stopping only as his hooves hit the waterline. Whinnying his anger over the clear waters, the young boy stands tense and contemplative, his mouth twisted into something sour.

    She wasn't planning on leaving Tephra. She couldn't even pinpoint exactly when she had left Tephra. She had just started running... and now the volcano was many miles behind her. Her legs were young and strong and sometimes carried her farther than she meant to go.

    Earlier, she had woke a few hours before dawn feeling wide awake. She knew there was no chance of further sleep that morning . So she started running. Her thoughts were clear when she ran, and autumn had given her a lot to think about. That was what had kept her moving. Tang had first stepped into Beqanna in early autumn and now winter was right around the corner. When she had left her family, before Beqanna, she hadn't formed clear ideas of what she expected to find. She just had known it was time to go. And thus far fair winds had carried her and her days had been mellow and bright. She had been more lucky than she knew. But so much change still needed processing. As she ran her mind had flowed and flowered turning thoughts over and over until they were smooth. Her family, her future, tropical birds, feathered horses, and Warrick. The run had helped, she felt more sure of herself, but now she found herself (once again) someplace new.  The air here was warm, but not quite as humid as the steamy lowlands she has come from. Around her trees shaded her and below her the ground was a rocky soil. The scent of water was ahead mingled with scents that hinted at other horses living in the area.

    She continued on, trending carefully, aware she was in a new territory. She had been warned there were places she could venture to which were dangerous. Of darkness and death she had been told. But this didn't seem like one of those places. She reaches a summit and before opens up a breathtaking view. Where green trees should be lavender wisteria blossoms. A crystalline lake forms the floor of this lush valley and she can't help but feel drawn to its turquoise shores. In the distance motion catches her eye and the stops to watch a metallic figure charge to the edge of the clear waters. He lets out a whinny and she is officially intrigued. Anyway, she wasn't ready to just turn around and go back... so she may as well get a drink and meet this horse. Bracing her hooves she filled her lungs and released a friendly whinny she knew could cover the distance between them before making her was to the shore.

    if there's a light at the end, it's just the sun in your eyes

    His anger at Iset festers as he stares over the length of the Lake with sharp amber eyes. Stubborn girl, Amet thinks to himself vehemently, before guilt at the thought wells in his chest. The leather-plated colt forces a sigh of resignation from his open maw, silently taking some of the blame for their chronic spats. The Akhal-Teke colt had always, and would always, want the better for his sister, but the fiery Iset could make it difficult.

    He supposes that he, too, can be troublesome to deal with.

    A loud whinny breaks Amet's internal dialogue, causing the dragon-boy to pivot swiftly in the shallow water to investigate. His amber eyes sweep the treeline, watching for the Lake's most recent intrusion. He doesn't quite mind the new company that frequently streams in from the rest of Beqanna, but the golden and bronze Amet can only hope that he'll be able to hide his sour mood in the face of a new acquaintance.

    A painted filly breaks from the bright purple wisteria, a pleasant expression on her face, and Amet is smiling almost instantly. His ears flutter towards her and his nostrils flare delicately to scrutinize the girl's scent. She does not smell briny like the residents of Nerine, so he's quite at a loss for guesses at her homeland.

    Perhaps... maybe... she could be searching for a home?

    He moves toward her, feeling hopeful now, his bright amber eyes warm. "Hello! Welcome to the Lake," he says with an air of confidence that he doesn't quite feel. She is, after all, beautiful in her carefree smile. "My name is Amet. Who are you?"


    The stallion turns quickly to face her as she descends. As Tang breaks threw the tree line she gets her first good look at him. Her entire face carries the smile that parts her pale lips as she does. He was an idol wrought of gold. It was difficult to tease apart all the impressions that were made on her as she caught sight of him. But naturally, she was impressed by his dramatic dragon scales. Pretty soon, after meeting a few more residents of this land, nothing would surprise her. She tried to not let her surprise at his unique appearance show... but she wasn't accustomed to hiding her feelings. And she was still getting used to the horses of this part of the world.She also noted that he looked to be about her age.

    For the first time all day she gave a thought to her own appearance, hoping she looked presentable and not too much the traveler. But even so, there wasn't much she could do to change her looks. As it was- Her gold eyes were full and round, her mane and tail fuller. Her painted coat was one part sun and one part moon, but always glowing. The woman-child bore not a single blemish. Her skin was unmarked, her eyes unshaken.  She was hungry to learn and try new things, to be new places. She was her own master now. She had a vigor and a love of life, and carried herself tall.

    Hello! Welcome to the Lake he says and she laughs good-naturedly to herself. The Lake. The very same place she intended to travel to in the spring. And this must be one of the young people she had been told about. Fate was an unpredictable thing. 

    "It's nice to meet you Amet." She said, tasting his name. Her head tilted slightly as she continued to take in his image. She let her eyes float down his body, admiring the way his scales overlapped so neatly and reflected bits of turquoise from the lake. "I'm Tang." Her voice was young and bright, but it was beginning to develop a hint of huskiness now that she was almost a Mare. Her eyes lifted to meet his again (she didn't want to be rude) and her smile reaches her eyes as well as her lips. 

    if there's a light at the end, it's just the sun in your eyes

    Her expression, while warm, turns into something peculiar and it takes a moment for Amet to realize that she is admiring the bronzed and gilded plating that had replaced his light bay coat not too long ago. He nearly clams up and would have faltered in his approach if he had noticed it sooner, but alas, he is stuck feeling quite sheepish directly in front of the pretty painted girl.

    He finds his words as he comes to a rest before her, gold and bronze head tossed to rid his bright amber eyes of the tousled forelock that always seems to find its way into his line of sight. Her smile is brilliant, drawing his attention and causing his gaze to linger until her realizes that she has given him her name, and the embarrassed Amet gives Tang a polite bow of his narrow head. "The pleasure is mine, Tang," he offers almost regally, ears pressed forward in case she should speak again. "What brings you to the Lake?"

    His expression is inquisitive, but the question is friendly and undemanding. He has no issue with wanderers, nomads, or the lost. In fact, he usually finds that he has a lot in common with them. Perhaps this situation will be the same.

    Channeling his inner Iset, the dragon-boy finds Tang's eyes and offers her a small smirk, his words hesitant but still playful, "I don't think I've ever had anyone so pretty come for a visit before."

     Under her gaze he seems almost uncomfortable before her. Which she finds mildly confusing... she didn't want to make anyone feel uneasy. Here in this world of traited equine (she couldn't really call them horses, they were so much more) she thought herself to be the least intimidating creature in 50 square miles. For many others this lack of uniqueness and power would have discouraged them. But Tang knew she had her own roll to play in the world, wings and scales or not.

    The young stallions timidity didn't last long. With a nobility contradictory to his young age he lowered his head in greeting. His countenance confirming to her that he lives here and is not just another traveler. "What brings you to the lake?" His smile grows slightly fiendish and she feels a spark of electric excitement in her chest as their eyes meet again. 

    I don't think I've ever had anyone so pretty come for a visit before.

    Now it's her turn to feel a little sheepish. She is never quite sure what to do with a compliment. But shy was not a word that had ever been used to describe Tang and she quickly recovers- repaying him with her own mischievous grin. Turning away from him she saunters towards the water, delaying her response. 

    She makes her way to a place where the trees creep to the edge of the water. Wisteria blossoms drip heavily around her as she gives him an encouraging glance over her gold shoulder. Here, in the sanctuary of small trees the filtered sunlight had a lavender cast. The white portions of her pelt take on a hint of purple from the atmosphere. "I'm just visiting." She replies, ambiguously. Thoughts of Tephra come unbidden and she wonders if anyone has noticed her absence. She hadn't meant to be gone for long but now she doubts she could make it back before nightfall. The thoughts appeared quickly and just as quickly go, leaving no trace on her face. Amet has her attention. 

    With a touch of pride and a flick of her ebony tail she elaborates, "I'm just a wanderer." hoping he has followed her under the canopy.
    if there's a light at the end, it's just the sun in your eyes

    Amet is still trying to find his way, still trying to fight deep-seated numbness that He had instilled over the young boy's childhood. The Akhal-Teke had learned by the time he was one and a half that it was easier to detach than to fight what had become inevitable. It didn't matter how much Amet fought, how much he plead, how much he tried to make Him proud - the despicable King of the Dunes would not give up his verbal or his physical lashings.

    The arrival of his siblings, just as Amet turned two, had made his life both easier and more difficult at the same time. They offered him a reprieve from his solitude and they made him laugh when no other living creature had ever made the attempt, but oh... how he had hated to watch Sakir and Iset suffer at the hands of Him.

    It was easier to simply be numb.

    Not here, though. He has found so far that Beqanna is rich with good, kind souls. The young stallion is not naive enough to believe that there are no bad apples, but none have reminded him of home or of the horses he once knew, and that made him feel truly happy.

    Amet thinks that this one, too, is a good soul. Amet can see it in the way her bright eyes shine and in the way she shrinks from his compliment with modesty and embarrassment. The dragon king finds that his grin has widened involuntarily and then, just as swiftly as she had appeared sheepish, Tang is returning his expression with a grin of her own.

    The painted girl turns from him to bide her time, Amet moving his plated legs to follow her even before she turns to look playfully over her shoulder. They move beneath the canopy of his favorite wisteria, the hanging boughs safely shielding them from the outside, Tang's voice soft and almost hesitant: I'm just visiting. The young boy had hoped she would stay, of course, but he's in no place to protest. So, he gives her a kind nod instead and flutters his ears in her direction as she finds her warm voice once again. "We can wander around the Lake, if you'd like," he pauses, his heart thumping a sudden staccato against his narrow ribcage, "Or we can stay here." Here, beneath the canopy of the lovely lavender tree he had claimed for his own.

    Impulse. Impulse is what brought here her to meet this dragon boy, Impulse spurred her to leave her home not that long ago. Was it the magic of the twilight between childhood and full-grown that made her this way? She didn't know, she didn't really care. Standing here, in this little haven with him felt right. She didn't even know him. But she liked him.

    Damn it Tang. 

    He could be anyone. He had scales for the love of The Mare Almighty.  Young love her mother would say, mostly admiringly almost critically. She fell in love too easily. But normally she was falling for an idea, a place, a story. Falling for another living creature was a little more complicated. 

    Or we can stay here. His voice pulling her in. She could feel the heat coming off of him, False Summer here in the dead of winter. But this winter wasn't dead. 

    Warm amber eyes of a lioness watching him watch her.

    Maybe he wasn't hinting at what she thought he was. Maybe the fever was all her own. She didn't have any real experience in this area. He was beautiful, a hero in armor, he made her feel shaky. Just kiss him! How many times has she sighed that to herself listening to a tale of a young heroine. It was much easier to play the daring romantic, the free lover when she was alone with her thoughts. Tang wasn't used to feeling unsure of herself and it unsettled her. It wouldn't be the first time she had jumped to assumptions. 

    She suppressed the building heat in her belly as best she could. She relaxed, realizing she had been holding her breath. "Maybe you can come walk with me a little bit, I've ran much farther than I intended." she laughed, feeling more like her care-free self. "I should probably start heading back." Her words were meant to form a statement but they rang in her ears as more of a question. Maybe she should stay and graze, maybe she was waiting for impulse to rule her. "I was planning on coming here to live.. In the spring." Well, that was meant to be a thought that stayed in her head. But there it was. Out in the open. Saying the words out loud was a comfort, he would be here in the spring. She had suddenly needed him to know that she would too. She couldn't tell if she liked this feeling or not. It was like adrenaline but sweeter. A lump in her throat.

     Damn it Tang. 


    XD teenagers.
    if there's a light at the end, it's just the sun in your eyes

    The moment that lingers between his question and her response is slow and silent. It pulls Amet's breath from him and he holds it for a second, and then two. Tang laughs with her response, when it does come, and the young boy finally expels his breath in a snort of laughter, his scaly head nodding to agree to the painted girl's request. "We can explore where ever you'd like," he offers politely, his bright amber eyes watching his new friend with outward interest.

    They emerge from beneath the wisteria boughs, the delightful Tang questioning whether or not she should still be in the Lake. Amet's gaze moves to the skies, and to the sun that has made it three quarters of the way across the blue sky. Their time together had passed more quickly than he had realized. Suppressing a frown, the dragon king nudges his new friend, "You could stay, if you don't want to travel home tonight. Or I could walk you."

    He falls silent (and secretly hopeful), ears twitching as he awaits the buckskin overo's response. She surprises him, though, when she tells him her plans for the spring. He can't help but smile, hooves prancing slightly as they move along the shoreline.

    "Spring may be my new favorite season," he muses playfully.

    face to the sun

    Tang shines under his attention - feeling more like a Mare than she ever has before. They walk together and she savors his closeness and the tingling feelings she gets when they accidentally touch. Shoulder bump, sides together, tail flicks. She has never accidentally touched anyone else quite so much. Generously, he offers to accompany her home or let her overnight in his home. But she is growing unexplainably restless. The temperature is dropping along with the sun, and a foreign nervousness in her belly tells her she should be going. She could travel threw the night, her soft coat and movement would keep her warm, along with the thoughts of their next meeting. She declines his offer, none the less appreciative of it.

    "Spring may be my new favorite season" he tosses the words playfully to her. She now has a new set of reasons to anticipate her move to The Lake. A territory of all young folk will have benefits she naïvely had not thought about until now. But of course it would be all she thought about during her return journey.

    "I think it will be" her hips bump into his. 

    She hoped he would be thinking about her for the rest of winter. Impulse prompts her...

    Tang pushes her muzzle to the corner of his his mouth, her lips tasting his for a single breath before pulling away with an untamable grin. "Until spring" she gives a slight bow of her gold neck, in a movement which echoes the one he had greeted her with not so long ago. An impish formality. Lifting her front she wheels on her haunches to scale the rocky hillside. In the direction of Tephra.

    She wonders if he can see her heart pounding her rib cage. 

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