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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    do you feel like a young god? sakir
    if there's a light at the end, it's just the sun in your eyes

    | pre-hyaline attack |

    He's feeling lazy in the summer heat, stretched out in the middle of the field that sits between the lake and the colorful forest. A gentle breeze draws cool air from the shale mountain peaks and feeds it occasionally into the basin of Hyaline, but the reprieve is barely noticeable where Amet has lain his leather-plated frame on its side. The noontime sun threatens to shine through the stallion's closed eyes, painting pink on the inside of his eyelids, and the lush grasses tickle at his underbelly. Amet can feel the heat through his bronzed scales, but it brings no discomfort to the boy, who has always been a fan of the warmth.

    His scales have proven, too, that they are better than a fur coat in temperatures like this.

    Despite his folded lids, the dragon king is nowhere near sleepy. His ears still twitch to respond to periodic sounds within Hyaline, nostrils fluttering and flaring instinctively to inhale the familiar scents of his home. All feels right, but the dragon king knows it is not, and there is a conversation that he has put off for far too long under the guise of diplomatic duties and summertime fun with Tangerine.

    It's nice to have Sakir in Beqanna, and now safe, in Hyaline. And while Amet wishes they could play the part of a happy family, there is only so much time he can stand to act the part without confronting the worry that sours his stomach. He and Iset had been able to hash out the majority of their unspoken words when he first found her following after him, but his reunion with Sakir had been different and riddled with worry for his well-being.

    A gentle sigh escapes Amet's lips as he readies himself to stand, the sound of approaching hooves lost on him as he rocks himself to his hooves. The dragon king pivots, his lean legs squaring themselves beneath his gilded frame. Sakir's narrow metallic frame glistens in the sun as he nears and Amet offers his younger brother a small smile.

    "I was just about to come find you, Sakir," he greets the boy with a gentle bump of his muzzle, "I think I've put our conversation off long enough."

    And, hopefully, they will be able to conclude it before Iset and her fiery temper find them.

    @[Sakir] ♥
    There was a weight to his thoughts today. He’d tried to push it away, to not let the worry implant deeper and become that much more all-consuming. Little use that had been, for such thoughts were too damn heavy to ignore. 

    Days. It had been days since he’d last seen her. And he’d worn a permanent frown since scouring those craggy peaks for his twin in the night and finding no recent trace of her. It was unlike her to be so aloof from him, they’d shared everything, all burdens, even those small pockets of joy that had at times existed. When Iset had fled the dunes in the night, he’d had a sense of that, she’d told him. But something was off, and now she was gone again. And it left him feeling anxious and far too unsettled for sleep.

    It was all too much to hold within himself. He needed his brother. And with heavy hooves and weary eyes Sakir searched along the circumference of the crystal clear lake for Amet. The sun shone high in the sky, the glare bouncing off the water surface. If he had not been so fraught with worry and exhaustion, he would have marvelled at the sight.

    Eventually he found Amet in the grasses, his golden body shimmering as daylight rebounded off his scales. More than once he’d wondered how his brother’s scales had come to be. And more than once he’d refrained from asking anything that could steer their conversations down a pathway much deeper. But that couldn’t be avoided now, he needed his brother to take a slice of his worry, to make it right. Just has he had in the dunes in those times when his deep thoughts channelled a bit too deep, usually when Iset had come to him bloodied and bruised more than usual.

    Don’t get up,” he spoke gently, perhaps too quietly for his brother paid it no mind. Instead Amet greeted him affably, touching his muzzle with that brotherly form of affection which was always easy to return even now, despite everything that had happened. “I found you first,” he said weakly, a small smile brief on his lips though it would have done nothing to dent the weariness and trepidation worn plain on his face.

    “I think I've put our conversation off long enough.”

    Oh,” was all he said. He’d done his best to avoid that talk. He wasn’t ready for it, and because the moment had never felt right. Even now, Sakir wasn’t sure this moment was either. His frown deepened and he found it hard to make his voice work. “I…”

    No. he couldn’t have this conversation now. His mind was too weary and burdened, His thoughts were not light and despite his youth, he knew himself well enough to know in this moment, with his mind on Iset and her whereabouts, he’d find it far too easy to lay blame. “It’s Iset.” He blurted somehow finding words. “She’s gone and I don’t know…” the words hitched in his throat. Where she went? When? That it left him worried. Though mostly, that Iset hadn’t shared it with him.


    so sorry for the long wait Sii
    if there's a light at the end, it's just the sun in your eyes

    I found you first, his brother offers offers warmly, but quiet.

    Amet's own heart beats rapidly, anxious and heavy in his chest in anticipation for the conversation to come. But his younger brother seems to want to avoid that conversation just as much as Amet does, and so they both frown but never even broach the topic. Part of the dragon King is thankful, but part of him dreads, even more than before, the conversation that they will eventually need to have.

    Silence befalls them, and while he expects to feel awkward beside Sakir, he is surprised that he still feels comforted by his younger brother's presence. The comfort is short-lived, however, as the metallic colt brings up Iset. The leather-plated stallion frowns again and his brows furrow with worry. "I have not seen her, either," he muses, and turns his amber eyes curiously to Sakir. "She didn't tell you where she was going?"

    He knows that is very unlike Iset, the girl who always confided in Sakir. The girl who stood by her twin unflinchingly, for better or for worse. Very unlike her.

    He turns his amber gaze from Sakir, allowing it to linger on the crystalline lake for a few moments. He has given Iset a home, a beautiful one, far away from the Dunes and from Him, and yet, he still feels like he has failed the twins. What else could he give to Iset to make her feel closer to him? To make her trust him?

    Amet's frown deepens as he turns his gaze back to Sakir.

    "I don't know how to make her happy," he admits.

    I am also sorry for making you wait so long! xD

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