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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Awakening [Any/All]


    Zephyr, for a moment, could only stare as his creation evaporates from their view. She watches the flames puff into smoke, watches the granulates of sand turn black beneath her hooves. She is hardly listening, as he begins to walk away, a devious smirk spreading across his lips. 

    But she cannot let him. Not yet - she has answered his questions, given him what he had wanted to know. It's his turn now. From the tone of his voice (and the fact that she hadn't been able to truly be an active resident Tephran up until this point), she wants to know who he is. 

    "Your name," She speaks, looking back to him. "You forgot to give me your name." She follows him as he continues to depart. 

    when it's said and done, we'll have our scars to show



    -I close my eyes, ignore the smoke-

    Trailing behind him like a puppy is a surefire way to walk into a trap. Longclaw is not the type to indulge, or to waste his time, but Zephyr seems insistent and besides, they do share a homeland.

    He’d never agreed to safeguard those within, just the land itself. She is interesting, at least - not really his type with all the … damage and whatnot. But still, he manages to slow his pace and allow her meager time to match his stride as they journey together over the face of Tephra. “I didn’t forget, I just didn’t feel the need to tell you.” He shrugs, brushing aside the silky overhang of banana leaves before striking out on a worn deertrail. The humidity of the dense jungle presses around them both, bringing out dark stains of healthy sweat along Longclaw’s belly and neck.

    “Is it something you’re genuinely curious about, or are you just terribly lonely?” He questions, grunting as his steps lead him over the soft rise of a hill and then down into an irregular bowl of carpeted land. The roots reach high here; his shimmering blue legs pop up to brush against his chest while he maneuvers across them. “If the former; it’s Longclaw. If the latter; I’m not the friendly type - which you should’ve guessed already.”

    Suddenly, he pauses. Breathlessly still, every sharp line and hard curve of Longclaw’s body stands ready for his direction - ahead of them, a wandering creature scuttles from one shadow to the next. He relaxes, moves on. “What is it that you do here, @[Zephyr]?” He chimes without pausing to glance her way.

    [Image: sScEgld.png]


    She catches up to him, matches his strides. They are traveling "together" now, but Zephyr can only assume by Longclaw's bad attitude that it won't be for very long. She rolls her eyes at his remark and ignores it. 

    She is surprised how easily she can maneuver along the rough patches of land now that she can see, and as she skips and jumps, her ears are focused on what he is saying to her. 

    "I'm not lonely," She replies to him, the lids of her eyes thinning into slits. "I just figured, we both live here. And I was generally curious. I mean, you were the first person to show up after Carnage released me..." She hops over a rock, looks over to him. "...No matter how unpleasant you are." A soft chuckle, although she can already guess he won't find it very funny. 

    "What is it you do here, Zephyr?" He finally asks, and she furrows her brows. For the longest time, she really had done nothing to further along Tephra. She had always been too afraid. She knew it would seem pathetic, but at this point, what did she have to lose by telling him?

    "Resident Tephran," She says matter-of-factly. "Although, I do wish for more."

    when it's said and done, we'll have our scars to show



    -I close my eyes, ignore the smoke-

    Firstly, he’d been looking for someone else. Someone who was, most definitely, not her.

    Is he disappointed in who he ended up with? Not really. Longclaw finds it hard to be bothered by much these days, regardless of how he displays it. His feelings have dwindled to nothingness, only mild curiosity over certain subjects and of course, the deep-rooted longing for Femur remain. If this mare confuses his easy banter for something else, well … that was her fault.

    “Although,” She starts, and that one word has a single ear flicking back to listen with newfound interest, “I do wish for more.” She finishes. Longclaw can hardly help himself - he grins. “Is that so?” The blue devil muses aloud, humming softly under his breath as their sure feet lead them through less-entangled woods. “Does your man need some pointers?” He jokes harshly, though the tone of his voice is light. It was too easy to paint her boredom as a lack of satisfaction.

    He draws once more to stop, turns to face her with that same devilish smile. “Or we could skip him altogether and get directly to the matter.” He winks.

    A chuckle rumbles about the iron cut of his chest before breaking free to fill the air around them. “I jest, of course.” He says nonchalantly, turning away once more even though the thought settles quite firmly into his mind. He has no doubts that she would love it, if she gave him the opportunity. (Wonders even if she might consider it - patience now, patience wolf) “If it’s more you’re seeking, I may actually be able to help you.” Longclaw sighs, parting the overhang of a nearby branch to show her a vision of the opposite beach; already the two have navigated the length of Tephra’s main island.

    Now his own personal area, the leftmost body of Tephra land, looms ahead in the distance. His gaze cannot seem to tear away from it. “I suppose it depends on what you’re truly wanting.”

    An idea grasps him. The vigor of his earlier anger and short attitude drains slowly, replaced by a new tingling that grows in the cavern of his heart and begins to fill his veins with black intentions. “Would you like to spend the night with me, Zephyr?” He tempts, forcing his eyes to remain locked on the outlying spot of land instead of turning them back to where she waits. “Because I would like that, very much.” He murmurs, choosing now to tilt his chin in her direction and snare her with a blazing, emerald look.

    [Image: sScEgld.png]


    Zephyr is an attractive mare. 

    Despite the battle in Carnage's lair that had left her scarred, she was a solid white color over black skin. She had an average frame with a slender build, a sloping, muscular neckline and defined facial features. She could've, really, been carved from stone. However, she isn't what she used to be, and somehow she knows this, even if she hadn't seen herself clearly before. It is hard for anyone to find someone so broken attractive, and her new eyes give her a front row seat to all her fear of not being good enough. 

    Longclaw's words stop her heart for a moment - she is still a virgin. While she loves Krigare, he had never made love to her, they had never consummated their passion for one another. She does not know how it will feel, if it will hurt, if she will even enjoy herself. But, she certainly didn't want her first time to be with someone she barely knew, especially when he was so rude. 

     I jest, of course He says, and her body relaxes. She gives a short eyeroll, trying to conceal the anxiety she is feeling. Finally, he says he may have just what she is looking for, and asks her to spend the night with him. She is hesitant, at first, but after rolling it around in her mind for a moment, she nods her head. 

    "Okay, Longclaw...I shall stay." She wondered silently how this would go... 

    when it's said and done, we'll have our scars to show

    @[Longclaw] Blah this sucks, I'm sorry xD


    -I close my eyes, ignore the smoke-

    Is it more like vampirism? He can’t be sure. All that Longclaw knows is that it must be by invitation in order for the rest to settle into place. Without that initial yes, there’s only hunger and death, death, death rattling about inside that wasted brain of his. Zephyr gives him that yes (Okay, Longclaw…) and even though he can see the hesitance to her features and hear the trepidation in her voice, he smiles all the same and replies, “Right this way.”

    Then he is moving, nimble and beautiful like the same flame he holds within. “When did you come here, to Tephra?” The devil asks, tilting a shrouded eye aside so that he might glance at her. It would shock him to learn that she’s been here for a while and he had yet to come across her; Longclaw would see it as a failure on his own end to familiarize himself with his fellow Tephrans.

    But there are those (Like his lovely ghost-girl, Femur) who enjoy solitude and stick to their own agendas, Zephyr is one of these perhaps. He can’t imagine that being previously blind would have left her much in the way of opportunity. She’s blind no longer though, he can tell by the way she matches him stride for stride even as night slips over the heavens and turns her white skin to black. Stealthily, Longclaw exchanges his normal eyes for wolf ones and allows himself to appraise her while she replies.

    He likes the rugged edge she wears, her scars are fitting and tend to enhance what he deemed so strange before. Rolling pleasantly over her cheek and stomach, the dark lines show a story of victory. He can appreciate a born fighter. Eventually though he finds that his attention must be directed elsewhere; a ribbon of curling water keeps them from his favorite island and together they must pass through it.

    Without losing a beat, Longclaw slides eagerly down a short bank and wades chest-deep through the dark waters sluggishly. “I came when I was just a boy. A fresh stallion full of ideas with nothing to prove his worth.” He speaks suddenly, finding it necessary to give her a bit of his backstory (to relax her, to ease her unsure mind of course.) “Now I feel I can never leave. I’m as much a part of this earth as the Volcano is.” He chuckles softly, shaking loose heavy water once they reach the opposite shore.

    “Have you ever felt that way, Zephyr? A part of something bigger than you?”

    [Image: sScEgld.png]


    Night falls over them swiftly, dangerously, and as the sky turns from a swirl of pink and orange to black, she begins to grow nervous. Darkness had once shrouded her world; a whole land of secrecy was sitting right before her, but she was unable to do anything but wonder what was out there. 

    Almost as if on cue, her vision shifts and she can see as clearly as she could during the daytime. How curious this power was. She blinks several times, wondering if this was some cruel trick Carnage was playing on her, but she finds that it is real and she has nothing to fear. Her heart beat slows, and she pulls herself to a faster gait to keep up with Longclaw's stride. 

    "I came here a few years ago," She mutters simply, leaving out the part about how she literally stumbled across Tephra after being abandoned. Leaving out the part where Krigare took her in and led her around the volcano until she could navigate it almost perfectly. It didn't seem like information he had to know, so she kept it to herself. 

    To her surprise, she is able to slide down the embankment quite easily and wade into the water just as he had. Feet propel her through it easily as she listens to his story, and finally they emerge across the stream and back to land. For a moment she lets the water linger over her frame, the cool liquid a heavy contrast from Tephra's humidity, until finally she shakes it off. 

    "I've been blind nearly my entire life," She begins to tell him, walking beside him. "I've always imagined there was a whole world to be a part of, but never got an opportunity..." She ponders this for a moment. "But now...I feel like I can actually be something...other than 'the blind girl'."

    when it's said and done, we'll have our scars to show



    -I close my eyes, ignore the smoke-

    The absence of her true story doesn’t bother him. If she came here a few years or a few weeks ago, it was still quite the same to the blue-colored stallion. She was here, now, and that’s what mattered to him despite everything else inbetween. “I’ve been blind nearly my entire life.” Zephyr tells him, and a little piece of the puzzle clicks neatly into place.

    So. Carnage had transformed her. There’d been very little hesitation in her manner of walking (a lifetime of restriction now free of its chains and suddenly, she’s become a graceful sort of thing) even when they dipped beneath the cutting streams she’d only seemed a bit jerky. “Instinct…” He deems it, “Instinct and lots of it.”

    He approves. He also rather likes the way she joins him at his side, the pale color of her throttled coat contrasting rather nicely with his in the near-black night. “You always were.” He barks, rather suddenly. “Something other than just the blind girl, I mean.” Claw explains, those lanky appendages of his slowing to a fine halt at the shore of his favorite island.

    “You were always something grand. I can tell because I haven’t driven you off yet. You’re not like the others, Zephyr.” Longclaw tells her, a roguish smile tipping his lips upward. “Now you’re simply stronger than before.”

    It’s spring, and Tephra is always unbearably hot, but Longclaw still settles into a comfortable stance and summons the spherical shape of his powers - a manifestation of blue-white flame - to appear before them and from there, he shapes the matter until it takes the form of a large bird. “Tephra is bold and powerful, but we have fewer eyes than before to patrol the shores. Diable, though he might as well be my closest friend on the island, is going partially blind himself and that’s simply a matter I have no control over.”

    With the soft exhale of a sigh, Longclaw blows his bird into life and sends it flapping up and out to circle the shoreline. A second hand of sorts, to help with patrolling. “We could use your new sight, Zephyr.” He tells the white mare, tilting a handsome face aside before the shift of his forelegs turns him ‘round to face her. “Have you thought about joining the Guard?”

    “Or perhaps a herd?” He thinks rather snappishly, the flats of his blunt teeth grinding together so that the question won’t slip free.

    [Image: sScEgld.png]
    As they stop at the edge of the island, Zephyr allows her new sight to take in the night. It is clear and cloudless, and stars illuminate the black sky with a sort of stark contrast. She had always associated darkness with something grotesque and frightening, but staring at the constellations she had only been able to imagine before now, she finds it rather beautiful.

    "...I can tell because I haven't driven you off yet..." She hears Longclaw say and she lets out a laugh. "It'll take a lot more than that to drive me off." She paws at he ground beneath her, observing how the sand clumps into a pile underneath her hoof. Suddenly, a blue-white light catches her attention, and she watches in awe as Longclaw conjures a bird of flame into the night air, then lets it fly away.

    Amazing... She thinks to herself, not quite ready to give him the satisfaction of her words. He inquires her about joining the Guard, and her brows furrow. She hadn't actually thought of that before.

    "Truthfully, I have not," She admits. "But the thought of protecting something bigger than myself well..." Her lips curl into a soft grin. "I might just like that."



    -I close my eyes, ignore the smoke-

    “Don’t think about it too long.” He laughs, watching the way her eyes roved the darkness to follow his creation out into the night. For never seeing a thing before, Zephyr certainly has an ability to focus that sight on what she deems important. It surprises him very little that she’s beginning to master the sense so quickly. “When you join, let me know. That sight of yours is keener than most.”

    He can’t stop himself; the soft tug of her lips into the semblance of smile causes his own to mirror the action. Unthinkingly he shifts, those lanky blue legs drifting him nearer to her without encroaching too much on her space. “Who else do you know here?” He questions aloud, thinking back on her comment of her years spent on the island.

    [Image: sScEgld.png]

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