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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I got high as your expectations [Kagerus]
    (last night i got high
    as your expectations)
    He was no longer one with the shadows. Instead, the darkness seemed repelled by his luminous pelt as he made his way back to the river's edge. He observed himself in the gurgling water, but the blue eyes and silver mane no longer gave him satisfaction. The deception had not yielded the desired results. He had not infiltrated, or seized power, or even garnered much interest. And perhaps worst of all, he was no closer to finding himself, or who he had been rather. He was just a lost man in a mask. 

    His attention is diverted from his reflection only by the quiet splash of mouth meeting river nearby. He looks up to see the red and white female across from him taking a drink, her eyes on him observantly. He can't help but think her demeanor would be different if he were his true self now, instead of hiding in his husk of a puppet. But still, he must play the part. He smiles, allowing the gesture to wrinkle his eyes though he feels no joy at their proximity. She is attractive, in the way that most females of a certain age are to him... but she has a youth about her and a lightness of being that keeps his more primal interests at bay. For now anyway.

    He straightens up, silky mane falling back from his blue eyes. "What's a girl like you doing in a place like this?" he asks in his smooth tenor voice. The river was a place of solitude and clandestine meetings, very unlike the open stage of the meadow. He watches her openly, with a smile. There was nothing to fear about his puppet, he looked the part of a gentleman, after all.

    Gunsynd is currently pretending to be someone else! He is now 15hh, hybrid, flea-bitten grey with clear blue eyes and goes by the name of Ginkgo. He will not have use of his traits while he is in this form. Please play as if he is simply the other persona unless your character has some sort of mind-reading. Thanks! <3
    Out with the golden we sew, and the lower past that crawls.
    Now, to the doorway you run, to the girl that's not lost.
    I wake up to the sound of the running water, and I frown, lowering my head to the ground, an aching pain in my head. Dream walking again. It's no short walk from Hyaline to the river, yet here I am, utterly exhausted and parched - but I guess that's why I walked here (though wouldn't the lake have been far easier to reach?). But I know why my subconscious has guided me here, gods, of course I do. The smell of Rapt floats in the air (or is his scent in my head?) and although I am awake and of myself now, the dreamer inside of me still begs to seek out his presence, to rest my head on his chest and fall back into a far more restful sleep.

    But even sleep with him has become restless - the child neither of us imagined possible is coming to take my life, and that, that is a thing of nightmares.

    Biting off the mewling voice in my head that begs me to find Rapt, I surge forward, marching the final stretch until I am before the cool spring water. My mouth is to the water before I notice the stallion looking at me pointedly from across the stream (gods, when will I ever not be taken by surprise in this godforsaken land?), and by then, he has a friendly smile on his lips, his blue eyes twinkling merrily.

    Oh, fuck off with your pleasantries and pleasantness.
    (Wow, looks like you don't even need me to guide your thoughts anymore - you're angry enough all on your own.)
    Would you also shut up?? Just - fuck off!

    My nutmeg eyes darken as I lift my head from the stream, cool water dripping from my whiskered bottom lip. "A girl will do as she pleases, regardless of the whims of the men who think they own her." Well, he may not present as offensive, but today, while my legs ache from an unneeded walk across the entirety of fucking Beqanna, even a child could bring me to snap their heads off with a gurgle of innocent laughter.


    "Not used to hearing that, are you?"
    sweet nothing

    In this timeline, Kag is pregnant but you can't see it yet.
    [Image: kag]
    (last night i got high
    as your expectations)
    The sculpted grey head of his puppet tilts slightly to the right at her retort, causing the silver of his mane to fall from his eyes. He allows the smile to dim from his lips but it does not quite disappear; he was having too much fun for it to die entirely. Her attitude was not as unique as she perhaps thought - in fact it was one of his favorite in those of the fairer sex. There were so many things he could do or say to fan the flames of that spark, to make them despise him (and males in general) even more. Let them think they held some sort of power over him, or some autonomy of themselves... they would be his in the end, in whatever fashion he so desired. Hatred made their blood boil so hot and thick, pulsing furiously just beneath the surface...

    But his puppet does not let on to these inner thoughts. It watches her with a curiosity dulled by snark. Blue eyes divert now, observing the grass at his feet and idly taking a bite. "Perhaps not stated as such" he concedes after swallowing. "Why associate yourself with such men?" He muses quietly, taking another bite. He was not such a man. He saw no purpose in dictating the mundane existence of another unless it benefitted him in some way. And when another partner was so easy to come by, why hold onto one? There could be favorites, to be certain, but what they did between their couplings was none of his concern. 

    Gunsynd is currently pretending to be someone else! He is now 15hh, hybrid, flea-bitten grey with clear blue eyes and goes by the name of Ginkgo. He will not have use of his traits while he is in this form. Please play as if he is simply the other persona unless your character has some sort of mind-reading. Thanks! <3
    Out with the golden we sew, and the lower past that crawls.
    Now, to the doorway you run, to the girl that's not lost.
    The grey stallion tilts his head at me with a diminishing smile, and for some reason that I cannot place, his placidity irks me. Just behind the clear blue of his eyes lurks something far more sinister, but I barely perceive it; no, I must simply be distrusting of others because of all that's been happening to me lately. Surrounded by darkness; breeding of it; it's me, not him.

    (It's us.)

    I watch analytically as the stallion idly takes a bite of grass, frowning a little at such laid back actions. In my time, interactions with other Beqannians have been far less casual, involving demons and dreams and sexual dalliances that often leave me spinning. Never mind the fact that I'm mother to a child that I didn't birth, somewhere in this very river-land... I frown more deeply at the thought of little Abysm, and look away when this calm-natured stallion continues his spiel.

    "Such men are all that remain." I speak bitterly, throwing my head around to glare at the stallion. The honed tip of my black horn glimmers in the sunlight, and for a moment it speaks for me as I look at him from beneath lowered lashes. But ah... Even such men do not deserve to die at my own hands. At least, not this one. I relax my tensed muscles and shake out my mane; then, a step away.

    "If you don't mind, I'll be on my way." I've better ways to spend the time than with such painfully boring people.
    the dreamer

    Uhm, I lied. Kag is not pregnant any more lmao. Also? Feel free to powerplay Kag and make her stay if that's what you're into Wink I'm not trying to end the thread, just trying to create some ~*~*drama*~*~
    [Image: kag]
    (last night i got high
    as your expectations)
    Perhaps there had been a time in his long life that he had sought excitement with every step. Or maybe that was a sign of youth - the love of thrill. For his part, he cannot recall. And the attempt to do so only causes pain, like banging repeatedly against a firmly locked door. This is what has brought him to this point, lurking like some urchin at the river's edge hiding his true form (hiding from those who might recognize him even though he could not recall their faces or names). He told himself it was a game, some strange sort of espionage to infiltrate the current world of Beqanna. If he could just move forward, he wouldn't need his past. Or so he told himself. What choice did he really have?

    She is speaking again, turning to leave. The movement grabs his attention back from his inner reverie. The quick jolt from his thoughts to the present moment causes a shimmer, a ripple, in his facade. Blink and you miss it. A lag in the blue of his eyes. Like they moved to her face but it was a split second later that the color fully saturated and focused. Unaware of this glitch, he molds his puppet's face into a look of concern. "Leaving so soon? Where are you off to if you don't mind me asking. I'm in the market for a place to call home, so to speak." He allows the tenor voice of the other to become casual once more. This is what he wanted, right? To become a part of the living world once more? Maybe she could be his link.

    @[Kagerus] She can catch the glitch in the matrix or not, if she leaves he'll probs follow her like a creepy creeper. he likes to haunt people lol
    Out with the golden we sew, and the lower past that crawls.
    Now, to the doorway you run, to the girl that's not lost.
    Believe me when I tell you that I am not looking for thrills; god, they find me well enough themselves without me having to put in even a blink of effort. But at the same time, I want my life and the encounters that make it up to be meaningful; and standing with what appeared to be almost the true definition of a regular old horse who just wanted to do horsey things really didn't cut it for me. At least not while I'm in such a sour mood.

    But just as I'm turning to go, the stallion flinches - er, no, he... He what? My brow furrows as I turn back to scrutinize him more closely, stepping forward until our noses are mere inches apart. What on earth... My nostrils flare and try to drag the answer out of the smell of him, but he is too well disguised for such minimal investigations. Hmm....

    "Hyaline's my home..." The words are muttered without me even noticing, as I am too busy being right up in his face. Were that my suspicion of him were less, I might back off a bit - but I'd seen something, and now I itch to know just exactly what it had been. I squeeze my eyes shut and shake my head a bit, wondering if I'd gotten enough sleep last night. But then again...

    "While I'm usually glad to bring people home with me," I start, looking him pointedly in the eye now, curiosity lacing the lyrical tune of my voice, "I can't quite... Pin you down, nameless one. Tell me; if I took you to the place where your dreams come true... Would there be a surprise in store for me?" I shift my weight, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. "I normally wouldn't ask, but with the tension across Beqanna... I can't quite trust you the way I would have some months before."
    the dreamer

    @[Gunsynd] ooooo this is getting so interesting!!
    [Image: kag]

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