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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I Hate That I Love You ||Any||
    Every Story Has Two Sides
    Though he has seen here during there diplomatic visit to Taiga, they were accompanied by Raul. He has not had a chance to clear the air or even apologize to Warlight, and so he finds himself alone for the first time. 

    He had a brief moment of companionship with Kensa, but when they returned home she took control of Hyaline with her lover. Ilma had not been seen since the plague and as each day passes he finds himself alone in the very busy sanctuary. 

    A sigh escapes his maw, the rather perky stallion was visibly bothered. He wondered around his new home, hoping to run into someone, someone new. Maybe if he was more outgoing as a foal he wouldn't feel so alone now, without Will. But there was no time to dwell on his past, only time to make up for his mistakes. 
    [Image: clayton_by_cowgirlconrad-dcmmo18.png]



    I felt nothing at all, freedom of the fall

    Perhaps the lonely inside of them both is what eventually brings them together. That animal magnetism, unexpected and uncontrolled but tugging Adria away from her family in Ischia to push her back towards Silver Cove. Guilt followed her as she swam, a heavy weight that seemed to press anxiety into her mind the further she drifted into the sea, and as the Nereid mare passed by the extended, southern horn of Brilliant Pampas territory, she felt that she’d failed in her promise to become a true member of Hyaline.

    Since agreeing to team up with the Eastern territories, Adria hadn’t officially met any of her fellow members - those countless youth who brought a future to the mountain kingdom. She’d only gone out from the cove in search of Jinn and to reconnect with her loved ones, before the months had turned cold and she could feel winter in the mornings.

    What an outstanding kingdom horse she made … hardly around and without much to show for all her time away.

    Traveling up through the wide mouth of the southern bay, the seahorse made her way from salt to freshwater, traveling north through the great river before coming to Hyaline’s once pristine lake. Now that same water was mixed, the mouth of the great landmark broken open so that Hyaline horses could swim through it and over to Silver Cove, which was just what she did instead of stopping for rest.

    A thrill of excitement spurs her on. Perhaps he came after all, the lovely creature thinks of a friend, causing ripples to grow swiftly over the choppy ocean water as she nears the shoreline. With a sudden burst she surfaces, throwing her head into the air and tossing a spray of seawater along with it. Her eyes blink softly and she snorts, shouting out “Jinn! You’ve come!” towards the figure without taking a good look first.

    It wasn’t Jinn.

    @[Clayton] Big Grin
    Every Story Has Two Sides

    He walked on the shoreline of the cove, the same area he had met up with Warlight for the first time since the plague. The first time he met Raul, and the thought of the smug bastard left a gritty taste in his mouth.

    His head perks up as the sound of another echoes in his ears. Jinn! You've come as he finds the source he grows more confused as she does not look familiar, and he certainly is not this Jinn equine. His eyes gaze around to ensure no one else is with them, and when his suspicions are confirmed he tilts his head slightly.

    The green horned stallion moves close enough that the sabino mare should be able to tell already she has mistaken him for another. I'm not Jinn Miss, my name is Clayton. He stands before her, glancing over her, and can not deny that she is undoubtedly beautiful.

    He is an awkward guy, and he tries his best to hide that aspect. He notes that she does not carry the Coves scent and he wonders if she is here as a member or a visit from another kingdom. Are you here to stay? What's  your name? His gaze lingers to hers, curious if fate had brought a friendship to him.

    @[Adria] <3
    [Image: clayton_by_cowgirlconrad-dcmmo18.png]



    I felt nothing at all, freedom of the fall

    “Oh … yes I see that now.” She replies when Clayton steps forward, feeling excitement that had once brightened her features drain while this one fact began to sink in. He was most certainly not Jinn, in any fashion, but she’d called him over and he was here now, so Adria felt inclined to slip out from her watery place and slink quietly up the shore towards the horned beast. “I’m Adria.” She told him gently, shyly tucking her head and avoiding his gaze. Not surprising that he hadn’t any idea who she was or what she was doing here.

    He probably thought she was trespassing. “Yes I … well I want to stay.” The Nereid tried explaining, glancing over to where he stood and then glancing back to the ocean curled around her hooves, “I was out making sure my family was alright. Now I’m back. Where are the others?” She questions him lightly, seawater dripping around her scaly hide and spotting the dry sand underneath them. Silver Cove seemed quiet. Much too quiet.

    “Kagerus and Solace still lead this place, am I correct?”

    She seems embarrassed, or maybe even disappointed that she ran into Clayton versus this Jinn equine. It makes him wonder if a Jinn even lives in the Cove, had he missed that much that he didn't know his fellow kingdom members?

    She introduces herself, Adria, Clayton says her name a few times to engrain it to his memory. He inquired why she was in the Cove, simply because she did not carry the scent, and it seemed to have made her nervous. She removed herself from the water, which he barely noticed she was in. Her eyes fell to the floor as she speaks again, I want to stay.

    A gentle laugh escapes his maw and he nods his head and she goes on to note she was checking on her family, but she is back. She even asks where the rest of the kingdom members are and if Kagerus and Solace still ruled. She had so many questions that it made his head whirl, he was so young when he came here that he could care less who was ruling. Now that he is older, and more seasoned in diplomatic issues he finds it commendable that she asks.

    Is your family alright? Where do they live? He assumes she means she was checking on them, well, because of the plague. He glances over her, for signs of the plague, but he can not find a blemish on her perfectly golden bodice.

    His gaze quickly shuffles to find hers, only hoping she didn't notice he was gawking. Uhmm...the others...yes the others are deeper in the kingdom. Though a lot are out on diplomatic runs, I can show you around if you'd like. They were only on the shore of the Cove, a whole island awaited them. This place was not the kingdom he grew up in, but the members were and so he adjusted to the flatter terrain. Oh! And to answer your question, yes, Kagerus and Solace still rule the Cove. He responds with a gentle smile, curious if she wants to stay at the shore or see some of the greenery.

    [Image: clayton_by_cowgirlconrad-dcmmo18.png]



    I felt nothing at all, freedom of the fall

    Clayton’s gentle, pleasant laugh succeeds in pulling her attention away from the sealine and up towards his face. The thrill of this minor glance makes her anxious, since she’s not one to be caught staring, but the coffee tones of his skin and the familiar, dark green of his mane and tail are too inviting not to admire. He’s taller than her, made even taller by the spiraling horns fashioned into his head. “Mhm, they seem to be doing fine.” The water mare nods, speaking of her family in Ischia. “How very kind of you to ask.”

    Underneath the shy veneer of her dazed expression, Adria curls her pretty mouth into a faint little smile.

    Their gaze meets, his tawny gold clashing against her lilac eyes, and for once the usually reserved shifter doesn’t feel an urgency to suddenly return to the water. Clayton is far from threatening, (perhaps even a bit unsure of himself, just like her?) and the way he grins politely downshore - offering to guide her through Silver Cove on a whim - makes Adria feel bold enough to accept. “Well, then … since everyone has gone away …” She hums, finally moving forward to meet him.

    When she steps, it’s like the earth rises up to meet each hoof. Adria has a way of trailing her legs over one another, elongating her stride to mimic the way her beloved waves roll below the current, and it accentuates every honey-gold curve that flashes in the light. “I would be delighted for some company, Clayton.” She affirms, coming to halt at his shoulder. “Have you been with Hyaline long?” The Nereid questions, hoping to strike up some walking-type conversation.

    He manages to achieve a smile from the mare, he can only imagine her feelings, leaving her family. When he inquires about there health she notes they seem to be doing fine, thanking him for his thoughtfulness. He nods his head kindly good he says in response. Hs just recently found his younger sister, she seemed to be spared of the plague, and he can relate to the stress.

    He offers to show her the kingdom, what kind of gentleman would he be if he hadn't? She quickly accepts, and her eagerness causes a smile to tug at his lips. With his gesture she seemed to be warming up to him, and all he can hope for is her comfort in the Cove.

    Come on then! he playfully says, he has not felt his much excitement since he was a child in the Hyaline mountains. He quickly moves from the sandy shoreline and heads towards the moutains that seperate the ocean from the rest of the Cove. The mountains had a few breaks in between, that allowed the members to easily cross from the ocean to the main land.

    The pair walked together, side by side, he was taller than her, but her bright pelt complimented his dark complexion. He is caught off guard when Adria stops, there shoulders brushing against each other. She stopped to ask how long he had been in Hyaline and a proud smile appeared on his maw.

    My whole life! He blurts out proudly, Hyaline had been his home from the time he was a few weeks. He had grown up here, spending nearly all his time with the kingdom princess. He had grown dedicated to his kingdom in the process. His eyes gaze just behind Adria, the densely wooded area just beyond her. With a grin he responds and I'm sure you'll love it, look! He yells out as he extends his neck to playfully tug at her mane, as he releases the young stag bolts out past her and towards the opposite side of the mountain.

    [Image: clayton_by_cowgirlconrad-dcmmo18.png]


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