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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    to know the heart that beats inside of you; any
    Sometimes the world turned upside down. Not figuratively, but literally. One moment the ground would be beneath her feet, all soft pink sand and hilly dunes, and then in a blink the skies fell and the ground rose until she was wading through sky and cloud in a flock of birds flying belly up. It had terrified her at first, to be suddenly suspended in a sea of bottomless blue. There were times where she had been playing when the world had somersaulted, and she had become frozen in place while her friends had continued their games. At first they had lingered uncertainly, coaxing her forward despite her decidedly strange protests of not wanting to fall into the sky. But then it happened again and again, once every few days, and the other children began to drift away. By the time she got used to it, understood that they couldn’t see what she saw, that it wasn’t real, they had all stopped inviting her to join in their games. All except Perun. But he wasn’t around very often, he was braver than Elanor, he left to explore more often and made friends so easily.

    But solitude suited her.
    At least for a while.

    It gave her time to understand what was happening to her, these worlds blossoming without warning, ever-changing. Hallucinations, someone had grumbled at her once with a frown of disapproval on their lips. But that was an ugly word, it made her feel uncomfortable. Like her skin was too hot, too tight. Daydreams, she had disagreed with a faraway smile pulling softly at her pewter mouth. Daydreams didn’t sound so ugly.

    As time passed and the months turned into a year, Elanor no longer felt troubled by these unpredictable visions that fell so seamlessly over what was true. One reality blended so perfectly with another. At first it had been impossible to tell anything apart, except those times where the hallucination was extreme, like when the world flip-flopped. But with practice she began to notice a strange shimmer, a blurriness at the edge of something that wasn’t quite true.

    This morning was easy though, she thought with that same faraway smile tugging at the corners of her mouth as she watched bright, tropical fish with impossibly large wing-like fins swimming in schools around her head. She followed them for a long while, drifting mindlessly to and fro as they did, and only bumped into someone once with a bashful apology tumbling from her whiskered mouth. As the sun rose high in the sky, bright and yellow and impossibly small, the fish seemed to tire and winked out of existence one by one like stars caught in the morning light.

    Almost immediately a sense of restlessness fell over her, wrapping insistent fingers around the pitter-patter of her eager heart. Oh how she wanted to explore some of the other places, the world outside this one of sand and sun and heat. But each time she made it to the kingdoms edge, toeing the invisible line in the sand, she felt hesitation creep like cold shadows over her skin. The idea of leaving, of exploring alone suited the solitude in her heart, but she also couldn’t shake the worry that she might walk blindly into trouble if a hallucination, a daydream, decided to join her. Again she hesitated as those bright sapphire eyes lifted longingly past the sand to the green she imagined she could see in the distance.

    of caius and else

    so basically elanor has hallucinations, but she also has a form of telepathy that allows her to show someone what she is seeing through touch. aaaalso if anyone is brave enough to play with this weirdo, the thread can either stay here or journey through some of the other boards! Smile

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