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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I wait on you at the bottom of the deep blue sea; Olver

    All of the voices inside of my mind will never be silenced

    Though she had come to the meadow through river and sea, the path they take to her coastal home is much drier. And longer, though she hardly notices the way time passes. Somehow, this new, budding friendship feels as though it has existed for eons rather than the short time it truthfully had. It’s so easy to fall into comfortable companionship with him, allowing the time and distance to pass with surprising speed. Before she knows it, the trees begin to thin and the air begins to grow warm and humid, the familiar scent of wild flora and briny ocean telling her they had reached her home.

    She does not pause on the border, instead forging ahead to find a small inlet where saltwater laps at a small, clear beach. Splashing almost heedlessly into the waves, she breathes a soft sigh as the water curls around her fetlocks. It’s foolish, perhaps, but it’s the first time she had ever been away from the water so long since that fateful day she had nearly drowned. She hadn’t realized how greatly she would miss it in it’s absence.

    Turning, her sea-blue gaze finds Olver, a soft smile curving her lips then as she takes in her new friend standing in her home. Here because she had asked, because he had chosen to follow. She realizes then just how lonely she had been. Despite her family, her siblings. She is lucky, she knows, but she now understands that this is exactly what she had been missing.

    “Welcome to Tephra,” she finally says, her smile echoed in the gentle tone of her voice. “What do you think?”

    until I can find a way to let go of what we left behind


    The journey went smoothly. He felt relaxed and at ease it Persea's presence. He had not felt this noticed, well ever. It made him feel happy. He had to be careful for only one reason, he could easily fall in love with the woman who walked smoothly beside him for the simple fact that she made him feel normal. They were friends and he could be content with that, he wanted to be content with that.

    As they passed borders to new lands, he collected an array of blue flowers of different species to tuck into her seafoam mane. A small gesture of his gratitude and friendship. He often graced her with smiles of all kinds on their journey. He would even like to think he was getting better at it.

    The humidity thickened and the heat warmed his bones as they crossed the border to Tephra. He had always enjoyed the warmth and so the change in environment was a pleasant one for him. He stopped here and there as they went shoving his nose into large tropical plants to come away with a dusting of yellow pollen on his red nose, each time. One particular plant had found it's way inside his nostril resulting in a fumbled, loud, ungraceful sneeze which resulted in an equally ungraceful laugh. His sides heaved in joy as they went. As they broke out onto a small inlet he paused at the border his ears perked forward and his eyes widened in awe at the beauty. He watched Persea enter the water from the small crystal clear beach. The sight in itself filled him with happiness as he watched her look more at home then she had when they first met. He could tell just how much she missed the sea.

    He wandered across the clearing of beach, the sand feeling soothing beneath whether hooves. His gaze dropped to the salt water beneath him as he stepped delicately into it. The blue waters swirled lazily around his hooves as they receded back to their home and then greeted him once more with open arms. Welcome to Tephra. What do you think? Persea's voice drifted to his ears, pulling his attention back to her. One word flowed swiftly to his thoughts, only one. Perfect.


    All of the voices inside of my mind will never be silenced

    It has been so easy, this time with him. Effortless in a way she is not accustomed to. The journey had been an experience she’d never had, and one she hadn’t known she was missing. The way he seemed to delight in everything they passed, as though it is the first time he’d truly experienced, is inspiring in a way she hadn’t expected. And his immeasurable kindness sends her pulse skittering in a way that confuses her a bit. The flowers that he tucks into her hair too. Each time he presents her with a new one, a blush rises and she experiences a thread of pleasure and delight.

    When they arrive, she is momentarily forgetful as she plunges into the sea to drink in its familiar comfort, but soon enough her attention is returned to him. She doesn’t quite realize the picture she makes, standing knee deep in the blue surf, blue wildflowers tangled in her mane, seashell markings glinting rainbow bright in the warm light of the sun.

    She peers at him wide-eyed, absent half-smile still touching her lips as she watches the way he takes in her home. His single thought when she asks him what he thinks sends a thrill of pleased pride along her spine. Perfect, he thought. She’d never realized how much someone’s approval could mean to her. Especially over something so simple. Something in which she ultimately has no control over.

    “I’m glad,” she replies softly, her voice a little sheepish. “It’s the only place I really know.” Her voice trails off briefly, eyes sliding to the distant, crystalline waves where coral falls away to meet the unfathomable blue depths of the ocean. After a moment, she adds almost inaudibly, “Sometimes I think it’s somehow become a part of me.”

    until I can find a way to let go of what we left behind


    I'm so sorry, I'm literally the WORST D: please forgive me for taking 5 years

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