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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  So You Came All This Way For... [Adna]
    While Adna took some time to rest by drinking the fresh pond water, Aten stood guard, his ever-searching eyes scanning Taiga's terrain for signs of anything unusual. He would glance back at Adna for a brief moment before lifting his head again, patiently waiting for when she would be ready to move on.

    Since he was looking around, Aten did not notice Adna lifting her own head and turning to look at him, her reptilian eyes studying him. When she did speak, Aten looked back at her, only to see the mare now looking skyward at the vast expanse of blue stretching above Taiga's trees. She watched Turul as he flew above them through the sky, a smile forming on her lips. Aten smiled in turn, glad that she was enjoying what he had shown her of Taiga so far.

    True to his word, the golden stallion first escorted her to Taiga's main meadow and meeting place for the kingdom's residents. A beautiful sight, it was a large green meadow ringed by redwoods, a small kopje in the middle for where the ruler(s) would stand so they could look down over the residents and have their attention.

    After doing so, Aten led her north toward Taiga's border with her sister kingdom Nerine, outlining it for the mare so that, if she decided to spend some time in the redwood land, she knew where their territory ended. He pointed out various landmarks that one could use to help find their way around Taiga since a lot of the redwoods looked very similar to one another, then reached Hyaline's border. He made sure to tell her to beware the water along this border, since it was where the ocean ran into as well.

    He felt no need to show her the southern border since that was the direction she came from, instead escorting her back in the direction of the main meadow. They didn't go all the way, since at this time, Taiga was starting to enter the stages of the night, the sky above them turning a healthy fiery pink as the sun set.

    Aten had gone this way so they would stop outside a small grove near the main meadow so it would be easy for the mare to find him. When they were close to the destination he had in mind, the glen directly to their left through a small break in the trees, Aten stopped and turned to face Adna.

    "Since it is starting to get dark, I think it would be a good time to rest. There are a few more small things I can show you, if you would like. For the time, I have already shown you the important things. You are welcome to stay here in Taiga for the night to rest, and then seek me out tomorrow if you would like to see more of Taiga. There is a small glen through this break in the trees," he motioned with his head, "A few yards in. Easy enough to see; three sides are surrounded by thick trees, and the side where you enter is more open so you can leave. I will be around the main meadow for the night, if you need anything or would like to find me tomorrow morning."


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