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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Paint the sky blue, Leliana, Any!

    winter wonderland

     The clouds slowly begin to darken as Ruinam leaves Loess, heading toward Tephra in order to speak to the other side of the equation, to learn about destruction in the form of protection. Ruinam takes his time as he crosses the border into Sylva, the familiar crunch of wrinkled leaves crackling under the beat of his hoof as he enters the place he once called home. Most of the forest seems unchanged, still and quiet, just like he remembered it, his love for the peace and tranquillity of the autumnal forest never-ending.
    Streaks of lightning illuminate the sky behind him as he quickens his pace, wanting to arrive in Tephra before the rain falls.

    The ivory male turns back toward Sylva, his eyes scouring the autumnal landscape, admiring the exquisite colours that the forest provided, rays of sunshine cutting through the thick canopy to display what the forest had to offer. With a quick smile the stallion returns to travelling, almost at the border of Tephra as thunder can be heard behind "Just in time" he huffs exhaustedly, halting once he reaches Tephra's border.

    The warmth of Tephra is quite inviting, providing relief from cold winds the storm slowly brings, almost reminding him of his home on the resort, always warm and rather humid. The warm air fills his lungs as he breathes deeply, the feeling quite reassuring after his visit to Loess.
    The stallion calls to Leliana, his tone warm and inviting as he stands patiently, admiring the streams of lava that decorate the recovering land, illuminating its landscape against the darkening sky above.

      Here is a crappy starter for the quest thing @[leliana]

    She is never far when someone on the border calls.

    When he arrives, it is nearly dark, and she is working on one of the still scorched parts of the land, although such things are further and father between. She lifts her head from the growing greenery and turns her gaze toward the border. She looks through the distance almost, her vision focusing in that strange new sensation, and sees him as he stands. Ruinam of the Island Resort.

    Curious, she opens a portal in a whirl of petals and leaves and steps through. She is cautious and makes sure that it is several yards from him as to not startle him but there is very few ways to make a portal something that is not startling at all. As such, her smile is just a touch apologetic when she walks up.

    Shaking the leaves from her mane but not displacing the flowers that bloom there, she nods.

    “Ruinam,” she greets, noting that there are still spots of dirt stuck to her legs and her forelocks. She makes no move to dislodge them and instead feels the strange kinship with the earth whenever such a thing happens. It is good to be rooted, she thinks. Good to know that she is one with this land below her.

    But her mind does not dwell there for long, and she quickly looks back up to study his face.

    “How can I help you today? Did you simply come to visit or was there anything you needed?”

    She never knows with visitors, but if there is anything she’s good at with being Queen, it is being a host.

    it's only you and me there until the darkness calls
    let's face the dawn together; we'll brave whatever comes


    winter wonderland

    The sound of thunder slowly increases in volume, the crackle of lightning illuminating the background, creating a fearful yet pleasant display of lights in the sky.
    The stallion barely notices the portal close by, so entwined with the movement of the storm that he manages to almost ignore the impressive mode of transportation, though his attention quickly snaps back as Leliana approaches him, an apologetic smile painted across her face.

    The mare greets him invitingly, quick to ask him if there was anything that he needed.

    "It is good to see you again Leliana, I hope that you are well" he opens, his tone remaining warm and kind "I have been given a task by the faeries and I was wondering if you could lend me some advice," he asks curiously, his companion sitting comfortably by his leg.

    "I must find out if there has ever been a time where you have tried to use your magic to protect something, but instead destroying something," he says slightly uncomfortably, knowing that the topic at hand wasn't lighthearted.

    "I have tried speaking to Castile, but that didn't go so well" his voice trails off, followed by the snap of thunder behind them.
    His visit to Loess had given him no answers, he had tried to get both sides of the war as he had thought that maybe it would have given him the answers he needed, but to no avail, Castile did not comply. 

    @[leliana] sorry this took me so long!

    I've never loved a darker blue than the darkness I have known in you

    She loves the way the storm crackles across the sky—the way that it lights up the horizon and brings a brand new life to Tephra. She would spend hours with her head dipped back, watching the way that it plays out. She would do nothing but lose herself in the energy of it, reminding herself of the way that her sister is like a comet across the heavens, the way that she burns so brightly.

    But she doesn’t have hours to herself, and she finds that she is intrigued by the stallion before her.

    Her gaze only flickers up for a second, watching the sky blaze before she glances down, giving her full attention to Ruinam. She is quiet as he talks, feeling her heart clench for just a moment.

    The memory of the war, the wound, is fresh, but she gives no sign of it.

    She just sits silently until he is done.

    “I am, unfortunately, too familiar with the question that you’re asking,” she says and although her lips curve in the corner, it is a sad, quiet smile. “When I first felt the magic coursing through me, it was…a lot. Too much for me to handle. Too much in general.” She shakes her head. “I felt like myself, but it was intensified, sharpened, and the places of restraint were worn thin—overtaken, almost.”

    A pause as she tries to gather her thoughts.

    “Before that, and before the plague had receded, I had been taken captive in Loess alongside other healers. When the magic began to course through me, I knew I had to make it right. I tried to use my magic to help with that. I tried to ask Loess to reverse course and free anyone who felt trapped there, but I didn’t have full control of my magic. What was intended as a warning turned into something dangerous. What was intended as a warning started a war that took lives, harmed families, left innocents hurt.”

    There is a small tear on her cheek and she takes a deep breath.

    “That is something I will have to carry with myself forever. Something I will have to spend the rest of my life trying to rectify.” She looks up to hold onto his gaze. “It’s why I am so committed to helping protect Tephra and the lands connected with her. I have to know that my magic can protect too.”

    like fire weeping from a cedar tree, know that my love would burn with me


    winter wonderland

    Storm clouds now begin to gather above them as the storm quickly rushes to join them, crackles of thunder sounding ever so close as Lelianna forms her story of what had happened to her and Tephra, a heart-wrenching turn of events that even Ruinam had not expected.
    The stallion's expression turns sour as she describes the pain inflicted on both her and the land she governed, a mix of raw power and energy creating a devastating outcome on both sides.

    It is impossible for the stallion to avert his gaze as the mare holds him there, her story sounding all too familiar "I am sorry Leliana, no one should have to go through anything like what you did, thank you for sharing all of this with me, I know it can't be easy" The stallion faintly touches the top of her forehead with his nose, thanking her for her troubles "With this I will now be able to think about the consequences that gaining power will bring, I can return to the mountain and tell them what I have learned. Thank you again Leliana" he says with a rather sombre smile, turning quickly as the storm closes in.

    His companion brushes against the mare's leg for a second, a smile forming on his white features as he tries to comfort the Queen, his small form quickly trotting after Ruinam once he is done.


    I thought I would pop in a short reply just to close things off, sorry it took me so long

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