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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  a rematch

    She’s feeling bold, and perhaps a little reckless. Or is it restless? Some volatile combination of all the above. Agetta’s life, at the moment, is perfect and peaceful. She loves how life and love have both returned to her, how she’s become solid and real and begun to live again. But she wasn’t raised to be idle and it is being idle that has slowly caused her to fall apart all these long years.

    She wants to fight. And since there are no wars, no causes to pledge herself to, she needs to go pick one.

    Atrox is only an excuse. Just a face to put on the countless demons and nightmares that haunt her. If she wanted to, she knew she could easily forgive him for his past sins against her - a century is a long time to hold a grudge - but it gives her something to focus on. Gives her someone else to hate so that she is not just constantly hating herself.

    Besides, he’s the only one she can think of who she can fight. The only one who might be as eager to blow off steam with more than words. She isn’t about to pick a fight with a random stranger, and there is no desire to spar with any of her new friends.

    It’s dark when she arrives at Hyaline’s border and she releases a beam of blinding light up into the sky.

    A call, a beckoning. A dare.

    She shifts into the form she was in the last time they fought with more than words, the form she was in when she was ripped from the afterlife to balance his presence in the world. Midnight eyes blaze in the face of a snow leopard while her tail flicks slowly behind her.


    @[atrox] <3

    psuedo-terms for our pseudo-fight, can be ignored:
    - take as long as we damn well want with replies
    - battle it out until we get bored or there's an IC winner idk
    - If Agetta wins, Atrox has to say one nice thing to Ryatah every year
    - If Atrox wins, Agetta has to say one nice thing to Atrox every year

    hangman hooded, softly swinging; don't close the coffin yet, I'm alive

    Atrox is no stranger to the kind of boredom that manifests itself into a dangerous recklessness. Hell, he has lived on the razor edge of it for years—has fed himself on the milk of it. He knows what it is like to feel your very skin to feel too tight, your body dancing with the unspent energy and the desire to simply do something. It is a feeling that followed him throughout his youth and his many lives, and it is a feeling that he has begun to feel lately once more; the fatal boredom seeping through his veins like smoke.

    So it feels fitting to look up and see the light shattering through the peaceful sky.

    It feels fitting and something clicks in his chest in recognition.

    He doesn’t waste time in answering it, padding forward as a panther to the source of the beacon. When he sees her there, a form he has seen so many times before, his lips spread into a wicked grin. There are a million things that come to the tip of his tongue—a million insults, ways to bait her, things to say that would cut beneath the surface—but he says none of them. Instead he just flicks his tail and takes a step forward, casually stretching so that his claws dig into the earth, muscles rolling beneath the velvet.

    Silence continues to coat his mouth as he stands back up again, body warm and the blood flowing through him. He settles his weight evenly, continuing to study her before he finally slinks forward, every inch of his body electrified and ready. When he is closer, he pulls his lips back into a low, throaty growl and then leaps. His body twists as his paws swipe outward to her chest, his mouth opening and reaching for her.

    [Image: atrox.png]

    now be defiant, the lion, give them the fight that will open their eyes


    She’s so relieved when he arrives that she smiles an actual genuine smile, a fire lighting in those dark eyes of hers. There’s more anticipation than anger within her and she doesn’t even think to volley insults back and forth with him. Not this time. There had been a part of her that feared he would just sneer at her and continue walking, dismiss her and this fight with a twitch of his tail. There is a bizarre sense of comfort in having her challenge accepted, and it’s easy to believe that in this one thing - if nothing else - they are kindred spirits.

    Perhaps they just need to tear each other to shreds every few years to relieve stress.

    Agetta has no idea how this is going to end, whether she’s grown weak in her half-life, but she does not believe this is where she will die. She has not thought about that yet, not in her travels here and certainly not in this moment. She’s not thinking about the end of the fight right now, she’s too eager for it to begin. Her entire body dances the line between tense and relaxed - it’s .

    When Atrox leaps, her mind empties and she feels peace. His growl finally elicits an answering one from her as she twists her feline body. The reaction is slower than she would have liked (these are old muscles she has forgotten to stretch and the walk here was not enough) and his claws tear shallow scratches across her chest. Red blooms and mixes with the long silvery fur. Her own claws are out now and she brings up a mighty limb to push away his face and those dangerous teeth. And if they leave a mark while they do so? All the better.

    She’s smaller than him in this form, but she doesn’t shift again just yet. As she follows her own strikes with a push forward, to tear into black skin with her gleaming canines, something akin to starlight shines faintly and briefly from the wounds on her chest as the flesh there knits back together. The night was just beginning and she had no intention of bearing his scars when it ended.



    hangman hooded, softly swinging; don't close the coffin yet, I'm alive

    He is not surprised to find that she answers his attack so quickly. Not surprised that she stands up as a match to him. For all of the lightness to her—all of the peace and beauty—there was always something beneath the surface that screamed of something more, something that spoke of a darkness that he could truly understand. It was the only thing that made her truly interesting to him; the only thing that kept her from being filed away in the endless depths of those who simply lived in the light their whole lives.

    But she does not.

    She calls for him, she provokes the attack, and she answers.

    He grins as her paw comes up and pushes at his face, as the claws dig into the skin and rip. He howls but the cry is as much of a joyous sound as it is a cry of agony. He grins as the blood drips down the black velvet and touches his tongue—as he feels the thrill of battle race through him once more.

    They fall together, and he gladly rolls with her, feeling the earth against his back. He doesn’t stop though. He continues to roll and then springs up, agile in this form, familiar in this body, before he launches forward again, his powerful hindquarters driving him into her as quickly as possible.

    This time, he comes forward with teeth first, reaching for her neck.

    The skin is thick there, but that doesn’t change the primal desire to sink his teeth into her. To find the blood beneath it and let the copper of it flood over his tongue. It doesn’t matter to him that she already knits together her skin and he cannot. It doesn’t matter that her body rejuvenates itself even as they tangle together and his body would bear the scars for weeks after. He was used to scars. He was used to the pain.

    [Image: atrox.png]

    now be defiant, the lion, give them the fight that will open their eyes


    Fear pulses through her veins when his teeth latch onto her throat, the thick fur there only offering so much protection. The peace she felt when he lunged fractures for a moment, and she can feel herself crumble. She’s backed down from so many fights lately because of this same feeling - pulsing with heat and fury one moment only to be doused in sadness the next. His cry of pain had not been the music she desired and for one damning moment she wonders what she’s doing - hesitation long enough for his teeth to sink into her flesh, for her blood to flow and for him to get a taste of her once more.

    The pain of sharp teeth digging into her skin mingles with the fear, threatening to cloud her mind, to make her falter, but she pushes through that fear and just acts. She was a warrior, once, after all. Not a gilded queen who spoke from a throne but a general and a child who’s first idol taught her how to fight.

    And this, this sense of calm that washes over her and replaces the fear, is the drug she had sought when she came here for this fight. A high she did not know she could feel again, numbing her to all else. Deeper than that first wave of peace and she hopes it will last longer.

    Things seem to happen in flickers in time. Shifting, changing with each blink, with each heartbeat.

    One heartbeat and she’s a snow leopard.

    The next she’s a snake, sleek and slipping down and through his jaws before they can close completely.

    The next she’s a shrieking osprey, rising up and beating at the air - at him - with mighty strokes of her wings as she reaches out with vicious claws to strike and tear at his skin. Her blood does not spurt but oozes, bright red against the white and black feathering. For now she lets it flow, lets the pain ground her.

    For a brief moment she feels guilty about shifting, as though she’s cheating, but she chides herself instantly. Why should either of them hold back? She’s seen the souls that flicker like guardians by his side - and she wonders if he’ll show her his new tricks as well.



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