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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    On demandé pas le Lune // Nev, Any
    She does not speak much on the trek north, it is long for a foal so young, and her pace is slower than usual, though it still pushes the filly beyond, perhaps, what she might prefer. This is not the leisurely tour that the mare took once with Heartfire, visiting notable sights and drinking in all that was new, but there will be so much time for the child to see those things, and there will be less time, once they leave the care of the Fairies in the Den, to find her a suitable place to rest and eat, so she bids the buzzing bits of light farewell with pinned ears and a shake of her head and presses on steadily. When at last they cross into that place where the mighty trees of Taiga fall away and the Nerinian cliffs loom above like sea-hardened giants, she allows the girl her moment of pause, of awe, but she is searching the cliffs for danger, as she searched the redwoods, as she searched the foothills, and as she searched autumnal forest, wary and scowling into sun and shadow alike. Her bear cub ears lean forward, trembling as they strain to pick up every bit of sound that whips around the odd little pair.

    She is, therefore, unsurprised when Lilli's colt leaps out at them. Her ears flatten, lost in the sea of her mane, and her scarred, pink face becomes a snarl, snaking out to grab one flared wing between yellowed teeth, pressing into flesh hard enough to hold him firmly in place, but not to harm him unless he struggles. When he falls still again, Neverwhere releases the wing, drawing her head high with a disapproving glare as he pulls both wings close to his small body.

    "I am not." She says, her voice a snarl, but the anger fades quickly, as if blown away by the wild wind. She does not hear Lilliana nearby, nor smell her, but so many things can hide between the rush of air and the roar of the sea. Her eye softens (her heart is still a growl, but that is a different matter entirely and no fault of Nashua's,) "Where is your mother?"

    Her nose falls from it's furious height to shove against the dark filly's rump, pushing her - almost gently - closer to the colt.

    "Go play, Child. I will see to finding you something to eat."


    Messages In This Thread
    On demandé pas le Lune // Nev, Any - by Amarine - 03-23-2020, 09:03 PM
    RE: On demandé pas le Lune // Nev, Any - by Neverwhere - 03-28-2020, 08:20 PM

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