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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  playing hard to forget

    stars when you shine, you know how i feel
    oh freedom is mine

    "By the gusts and gales," the copper chestnut mutters beneath the Taigan canopy.

    Nashua isn't sure what it is about the women in his life but the pegasus always seems to have a hard time locating them. It's a comfort to have Yanhua here and to know that Noel and their girls are safe under the care of his mother and twin. But - just once, he thinks - it would be nice to find his dam when he was searching for her. It'd be nice to return from the Isle and find Noel and their daughters... somewhere.

    Perhaps they were in Nerine again, he thinks.

    He can't fault his pale mate for bringing their fillies further North. While only one daughter was born with wings, Nashua had often felt confined beneath the Redwoods (but that could just be from the wanderlust that Nash was born with) and he often felt that Noel might feel the same. The moorlands were wide and open and it was so much easier to find the sky there. He veers down another trail, stopping every so often to listen for the sound of laughter or romping hoofbeats.

    It might not be Ellie or Lumi, he knows. It could be one of Yanhua's daughters, Cheri or Memorie, or his son, Reynard. It could be his newest sibling Reave or the second set of twins born to his mother, Lilliana. Nashua heads towards the coast, knowing that there was a cove his mother (and Aunt Elena) had often favored. If he can't find her or Noel in the southern part of Taiga, his best option was to venture further North.

    For a time, he drifts between the ferns and newer saplings. Nashua finds nothing until a sound carries over the nearby waves. He's close enough to the shore that it could be Lilliana or one of his siblings; he rules out Noel and the girls for the simple fact that it was still too far south. Gold glints from the restricted sunlight from above and when he sees the translucent spikes, Nash knows he's found the son of his mentor, Leilan.

    "@[Oren]!" he calls out towards the bay yearling. "Wandering again, little brother?"


    html by castlegraphics; art by MirrorLands
    [Image: jCdBK6.png]
    Between his parents and his examples, how could he not wander? First, there's what dad calls 'itching feet'. Then there's his endless curiosity; last but not least is the knowledge that many of his siblings cannot sit still either - so Oren does nothing else, as well. He has no reason to hold him back at this age; so nearing the adult age (or so he thinks; his mother may think differently).

    Roselin is different - though curious in some ways, Oren finds that he is a faster thinker or, at least, talker and runner. And besides, spending so much time with a twin sibling, there is very little new about her, however hard that sounds. She is of course progressing with that ice making skill of hers, but there's no daily news and the young roan doesn't think twice about sticking around all day versus running wild and trying to find something new beneath the next rock, around the next corner, up the next tree.

    That is the same aimless curiosity that brings him a little farther away from his mother's reach, as well; but it leads him into Nashua's winged embrace it seems. A grin is plastered on the gold-marked boy as his eyes find his half-brother, whom he considers his most-brother due to his living on the Isle with dad. Even Yanhua can't top that, although he makes a good second.

    "Nash! Oren never did well with long-ish names (Rosey didn't get her nickname for nothing, and he's glad that mom is just mom). "Pfft," the younger boy snorts. "Says who, eh?" he chuckles. "Did you come to see mom?" he wishes to know. If so, he can help - if not per say, maybe his brother has a good idea for a new adventure today?
    I'll follow you when the stars go blue


    stars when you shine, you know how i feel
    oh freedom is mine

    He'd hoped to find his daughters.

    With each returning visit to Taiga (or Nerine) that Nashua made, the striped pegasus found himself marveling at all the ways his daughters seemed to be constantly changing. Lumi seemed to spend more time with Noel (not that it bothered Nashua, it gave him an excuse to spend more time with her as well) than Ellie did, who seemed ready to strike out on her own the moment she had stood.

    His eldest daughter was fearless and that... that made Nashua realize a whole new kind of fear.

    Nashua had hoped that one of Yanhua's children might temper her wildstorm spirit, or at least steady it. But the winged girl spoke of her future adventures (and his knotted heart wondered if this was how Lilliana had felt when he had been small), of her desire to want to train and learn how to be a great warrior. Her pale head would tilt impishly up and tell her sire: 'Maybe I'll even be in the Alliance one day.' He had laughed and then told her, 'You'll probably get further than I did, too.'

    The pegasus wonders if his divided time between the Isle and the mainland makes his family suffer (but then Leilan is his family as well). He worries about it but then the moments like this happen, where @[Oren] happily greets him and Nash feels like no time has passed at all. His younger brother is grinning and the older stallion grins back, a daredevil smile that reflects the sky that had he dived from (even as a new father, Nashua still enjoys his aerial thrills). His chestnut brow lifts at the colt's question and his sibling prompts him with: "What says you?" Was Oren wandering? He wouldn't be Lilliana's first child born with the wanderlust motivating his steps.

    "I'd hoped to find her," the pegasus explains. "Have you seen her today?"

    Or had the boy already been looking for adventure before their mother woke?


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    [Image: jCdBK6.png]
    Oren chuckles at Nashua's bounce. "I'm still in my homeland at least." he claims in a tone that implies it could have been much worse, like ending up in Ischia or something (he's heard that that is far away, at least). Besides, Nashua is the one wandering if he's supposed to live on the Isle. Right? So. No way Nashua is going to be telling Oren that he shouldn't be out wandering. What could possibly go wrong?

    (He doesn't know what is about to come. How darkness will cover everything soon.)

    The topic about their mother is a welcome distraction from the shared accusations, and Oren nods. "Today, yes. But that was this morning." he adds - he's not actually inclined to make Nash's busy life harder than it already is, however much he likes to try and find the limits. He grins a bit. "I can help you look?"
    I'll follow you when the stars go blue


    stars when you shine, you know how i feel
    oh freedom is mine

    Nashua might be in Taiga or the Isle but the winged stallion never ventures far from the North.

    He keeps himself close enough that if Leilan needs him, he is closeby. With Noel raising their twins, he is more present in the Redwoods than he has been in years. Should the white pegasus mare make any demand of him, Nash wants to be there to meet it. He splits himself between duty and family and the chestnut tries to be always in the middle, always tries to be right where he might be needed.

    @[Oren] perhaps doesn't need him but Nash certainly won't waste a moment with his younger brother.

    (And he'll be glad of it later. Because like his younger sibling, he doesn't know what is coming. He'll be glad to have a memory with Oren when the sun was still shining.)

    "That was so long," teases the flaxen-haired stallion. He smiles at his younger brother's insistence that the hours had been short and that he is still within Taiga. Lilliana had told him that the younger bay had begun to attempt recruiting and that his dark legs didn't stay still for long. Oren always seemed to be doing something. He tilts his head towards the path that he had been taken in an invitation to his brother and allows the colt to start down the trail first.

    "I'd appreciate the company," he tells Oren. "And perhaps you can tell me what you've been up to?"


    html by castlegraphics; art by MirrorLands
    [Image: jCdBK6.png]

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