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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY BQ!!!!! [raffle results]
    there were enough prizes donated that EVERYONE GETS TWO!!!! thanks so much for entering and donating and, of course, for playing Heart if you can't fulfill your prize(s) please feel free to PM me so i can work something else out.

    1. Sticker headshot (Calcifer)
    2. Code (Savage)
    3. Code (Savage)
    4. Full manip (Jeje)
    5. Character reference (Insane)
    6. Code (Venge)
    7. Code (Leah)
    8. Pixel (Bruja)
    9. Pixel (Insane)
    10. Pagedoll (Lavender)
    11. Portrait (Savage)
    12. Pixel (Insane)
    13. Code (Jassal)
    14. Full manip (Ciel)
    15. Code (Venge)
    16. Family doodle (Squirt)
    17. Custom profile (Laura)
    18. Flat color bust (Queenie)
    19. Vector (Insane)
    20. Code (Savage)
    21. Family doodle (Squirt)
    22. Code (Hanna)
    23. Full manip (Insane)
    24. Code (Phaetra)
    25. Full manip (Squirt)
    26. Pixel (Bruja)
    27. Custom profile (Laura)
    28. Character reference (Kiara)
    29. Portrait (Insane)
    30. Drawing (Colby)
    31. Pixel (Bruja)
    32. Code (Phaetra)
    33. Pixel (Bruja)
    34. Code (Leah)
    35. Code (Jassal)
    36. Character reference (Kiara)
    37. Vector (Insane)
    38. Code (Jassal)
    39. Code (Phaetra)
    40. Flat color bust (Queenie)
    41. Code (Jassal)
    42. Family doodle (Squirt)
    43. Pixel (Bruja)
    44. Code (Venge)
    45. Full body drawing (Bruja)
    46. Code (Leah)
    47. Code (Laura)
    48. Portrait (Leah)
    49. Stick drawing (Jassal)
    50. Pixel headshot (Calcifer)
      @[Vanilla Custard]
    51. Full-body drawing (Bruja)
    52. Code (Hanna)
    53. Character ref (Kiara)
    54. Code (Savage)
    55. Couple manip (Squirt)
    56. Code (Hanna)
    57. Portrait (Leah)
    58. Code (Jassal)
    [Image: Leah.png]

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