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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  the world as I know it is coming to an end [mature]

    Just as he enjoys her responses, she enjoys his. Mazikeen does not know if it possible, for someone to be everything to another, but she wants him to try. Wants him to never stop trying to be everything she wishes because she knows well enough how much she will try to do the same for him. As her touch moves again to that blue spot on his skin she thinks about how she’ll be able to tell if another dares to make a mark upon him when it feels like only she has that right.

    There will be so many others that wish to end him but they will simply have to wait their turn.

    Mazikeen did not enjoy cruelty before, did not relish in savage acts, but when Gale’s touch turns fevered this time she feels those shadows and fire within her rise to meet him. She had already been ready, already been wanting, and she leaves no doubt about her delight as he takes her again. Each mark increases the debt owed between them but she cries out her approval all the same and before she can ask for more he is already there - and she feels it again. That even if they are not equal in magic they are in this.

    She enjoys the signs of his pleasure almost as much as the act itself, the weary and satisfied smile he wears afterwards sends a cooler delight through her as he leans into her - their haggard breathing almost perfectly in sync. The pain in her withers eases as he brushes more healing kisses against them and she closes her eyes, savouring both the gentler moments and the violence that had come before.

    Her grin is hazy, blissful, and she likes listening to his plans now. She wants him to see her fight too, wants to come to him coated in the blood of another - flush with victory - and see the desire in his eyes.

    She considers the idea of fighting Wishbone and does not find she minds it. The bonds of friendship are not what they had been. Present still but not as all-consuming. She’s able to feel her own curiosity about pitting herself against the purple mare when they had only fought side by side before. And there is no worry in her, because even if she were to best the other queen - Wishbone would survive. She would simply regenerate into a new body.

    It is easier to think clearly about these things now, without affection muddying the waters. “Alright.” She says simply, turning her head to whisper more kisses across his skin. Letting her thoughts wander from her idly. “We can practice together.” She grins as she nips him, tugging on the skin before kissing the same spot. “But right now… I am starving.” And not for grass or plants. The predator in her wants something else. Mazikeen considers taking more from him, wonders if it is just his blood she is craving, and what it might mean if so. It would be appropriate, she thinks, for the one who helped her work up this appetite to also be the one to satisfy it. Just as he has satisfied so much else.

    But she likes his golden coat as it is for now, with the one mark from her. So instead, she asks with a wild glint in her eyes “Have you left any deer in Hyaline?”

    m a z i k e e n .

    this is going to break me clean in two --
    this is going to bring me close to you

    Gale remembers the way Mazikeen had looked when he’d told her of his encounter Wishbone, and how she’d reacted when he’d shown her what he could do after he’d eaten the purple mare’s heart. There is none of that fear now, only contemplation, and he watches her think of killing Wishbone with a sated smile on his golden face.

    She agrees, and he starts to think of the future, of what it will be like to rule Hyaline and all four entities, to have no limits to his power at all. But his thoughts do not go far, because she begins to kiss him again, nips him, and speaks of hunger.

    Gale’s stomach growls at the reminder, and he smiles at the reminder of his effect on the prey in the Mountains. They’d already been wary in this land of shifters, and Gale’s ravenous appetite has all but driven them out these past few weeks.

    “Only the fastest,” he tells her, “But they won’t expect a hunt in the daylight.” An advantage to his atypical diurnal wakefulness, Gale thinks as he looks up at the late afternoon sky.

    He is not sure he wants deer though.

    Mazikeen’s blood still lingers, and as he runs his tongue between sharp canines he shifts without thinking much of it, turning to a creature perfectly suited to hunting horses.

    “Let’s go to the Meadow instead,” he says with a smile, “And we can hunt something far more delicious than venison.”


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