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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open quest]  will you fight? or will you perish like a dog?; round III

    - ✧ -







    Elliana can remember, once, tripping over a stone when she had been training with Nicnevin. She remembers it felt almost like slow motion, as if she hung in the air for eternity before ending in a puddle of spidery legs, and girlish laughter on the ground beneath her. The feeling thrums through her once more. A feeling of falling without really falling. Elliana closes her eyes and braces for the impact.

    And then—

    “Mom, wake up!” There is the shifting of another next to her, another, much smaller form. Blue eyes bat open and look down to a smiling face with blue eyes that look so familiar to her own. An ivory heart made of bone burrows into her eyes. What? She questions. “I’m hungry,” the small stranger says with a look of defiance billowing below the surface that is too familiar. Who are you? She asks, narrowing her own gaze in suspicion. This is when the boy moves away from her side and she notices something all too familiar. You look just like Reave. She breathes before she can stop herself. The boy tilts his head, letting a short, blunt blonde mane lean towards the side. “Well yeah, that’s why you named me Reave Jr., Mom” He says, that is all he needs to say to send Elliana spiraling.

    Where was she?
    When was she?

    Elliana stumbles once as she rises to her feet. The child (her son?) takes this as her willingness to follow him, and she sees little choice in the matter. Stunned, she walks though the small wooded area, before another child, this one dark like night and armor made of bone, appears before her. Elliana’s heart leaps as she spots the crescent moon marking on her shoulder, and this child too sports eyes of too blue.

    “Thank goodness you are here! Dad is trying to embarrass me again.” The girl says in a voice that reminds her of her own, but it sounds strange, odd to not hear it coming from her own lips. Like an all too clear echo. If that boy was her son, Elliana is not so oblivious, even in this state of confusion, not to assume that this must be her daughter. Give me a moment, she says because her head is spinning. “Mom, are you okay?” Elliana blinks glacier blues to try to escape the black dots forming in her vision. Please stop, she says in shattered breathes. She cannot bear to hear them calling her that.

    Children, two of them, and clearly with Reave, as indicated by the child’s name and who he was named after. That is the way of life, isn’t it? Find someone to settle down with. And then bare them children, raise those children, watch those children have children, all while growing older and older and older. This is what happens in the fiarytales—and there was a reason these stories were never requested at bedtime but the shadow twinged girl. Elliana pictured adventures, wandering feet (as much as a wandering heart), new faces, new stories to hear and to tell. She pictured wild oceans, daring mountains, secretive forests, and inspiring meadows, begging to be explored. She had never thought of children, had nearly forgotten they existed save for the fact that she was still closer to the age of a child than the age of an adult. But clearly, this is the life now that she owns, children, a union. Never has she felt the feeling of shackles round her ankles.

    But those shackles loosen with some sort of hope that rises through. The of Carnage and his task and the digging and the falling come through. And the magic. The black dots dissipate and she thinks she may finally be seeing clearly. Excuse me, she says to her children, no, no, not her children, they couldn’t be. She rushes off, walking quickly , there had to be a way out.

    And he is before her with blue, blue eyes. Reave, she sputters like she had been drowning. What is going on? She has enough time to smile at him just once before she falls again, but this time, when she glances down, all she see is sharp rocks below.

    It doesn’t hurt—dying, at least not as she had thought. What hurts is coming back as she stands there on strained legs and tired eyes and a flipping stomach on the side of the mountain. And the sigh that comes from her lips tells herself that she would rather be stranded on a mountain top than have to look even once more into the eyes of any who would call her their mother.

    ..but nightmares are dreams too.
    « r »

    Feel free to mess with her snowflakes
    (I am not sure if this has updated in the database yet, but she got it in the halloween quest.)

    0-space trait

    Permission granted from Insane via discord to have Elliana and Reave in a joint nightmare/dream.

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    RE: will you fight? or will you perish like a dog?; round III - by Elliana - 11-28-2021, 10:03 PM

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