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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  everything kept moving, and the noise got too loud; any
    She can’t help it, the way her eyes drift to where Hyaline used to exist. There are no signs of those mountains she has known for her whole life, the only home she has ever known. She may be young but she feels the weight of its loss - no matter that her family is safe, no matter how she would, forever, trust that her parents got anyone and everyone out that they could when everything began to crumble. There is still a heavy feeling in her heart as this young mare stands on the banks of the river and observes the utter expanse of nothing that stretches where so much had been before.

    What would she find if she were to walk into the water?

    Valkyrie likes to imagine that it is all still there, somehow. Perfectly preserved just beneath the surface of the ocean instead of in pieces. If only she could shapeshift, she could become a dolphin and go see for herself.

    But perhaps this is better, so that she is not disappointed. Better to pretend that schools of fish are currently swirling around the trees that she had run underneath, that sunlight is still reaching the places where she had watched her parents stand together in silent, peaceful moments.

    Small, sunlight-bright fishes flicker into existence around her where she stands but she does not notice. So intent is the focus of that one working orange-gold eye on the surface of the ocean, as if staring at it long enough she will simply see what she wishes so badly to see.

    open to any!
    She thought flying would come naturally to her, being built for the sky and all with her delicate build, and vibrant feathers protruding from various parts of her body. Yet she still often found herself in shambles when accompanied by the wind currents she had yet to decipher. It was tricky thing really, reading and predicting air pockets and where the wind would pick up and slow. It was a constant battle, as if she was at war with the very thing she was destined for. 

    Today she wanted to push her limits, to soar higher than she ever had in the past. With determination, she wills herself higher with several hardy flaps of her vibrant feathery plumages, compressing the air beneath her wings as she slowly yet surely reaches a higher altitude. The wind up here is stronger and more rebellious, and although she takes note of that as she evens herself out. She finds at this new height that she is quickly greeted or perhaps ambushed by a sneaky little air pocket. Caught by sheer surprise, the inky girl plummets downwards, wings sprawled out clumsily trying to the catch the air beneath her with haste, but to no avail.

    The earth beckons her back as she falls, her heart races as her wings flap in desperation, her mind swirling with fear repeating over and over again, Please, please work, please just work for once. 

    Trees that were once small blots dotting the land beneath her, begin to quickly gain vivid features as Vecna scrambles to find her bearings. In a last effort she forces her wings agape in hopes of lessening her fall, as she plummets. Closing her eyes and instinctively locking her jaw in panic as she braces for impact. Trees catch her fall, as she rips through the forest, branches catching and nicking her ebony skin, as the foliage slows her momentum until she drops to the forest floor. A mouthful of dirt and pine needles greet her, as she lands practically on her face, talk about a gold star landing.

    A childish giggle escapes her lips as Vecna basks in her own embarrassment, as she staggers forwards unfurling herself with a hardy shake of her body ridding herself of dirt and debris from the crash. Gaining her bearings, the young woman peered through the trees in curiosity, she had never been in a forest. It was dark, yet illuminated by small sun spots that filtered through the foliage overhead accompanied by the chattering of birds roosting in the trees. She didn't mind it too much, yet it did feel a little enclosed, as if she was trapped from the very thing that made her feel free, the sky. The feeling made the inky girl a little weary as she aimlessly weaved through the terrain, the sound of water guiding her in hopes to find a clearing to rid her of this horrible feeling within her gut. 

    Her vibrant blue eyes catch a spark of orange, and as she draws closer to a stream. This wasn't just any ordinary spark of orange, it was a fish appearing to swim with ease in the air, and there were several others accompanying it. She admired it with a sense of curiosity, almost so that she barely noticed the dark red mare standing within the shallow bank of the river. 

    "Hi!" She belts as she leaps forwards, tilting her obsidian cranium upwards in an effort to touch even the smallest sunlight flecked fin of one of the fish. Water splashing in her wake, "Did you make these?" She questions inquisitively as she bounds around the mare in a childish manner. Although she maybe young she was quite receptive, her gaze falters as her pace slows, the mare appears to be staring in at the horizon where the sky kisses the ocean. She could tell this woman was looking for something, the sheer focus within the red mares eyes was tell enough for Vecna. "what are you looking for out there?" She adds, curiosity glinting in her eyes.

    Still trying to figure her out so bear with me Smile

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