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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I tried to wrestle every wonder

    Beldam is only a faint shadow of what she will one day become - when the ridges along her spine become sharp and defined, her teeth grow to become more pointed, and her leathery wings grow strong enough to carry her across the skies. For now she is just a filly, wandering away from her mother, lured by the movement of small green and gold… creatures. The way they flutter around inspires some deep-rooted instincts inside of her to hunt. Her prehensile tail, already tipped with a lethal edge, twitches behind her in excitement as a smile brightens those dark eyes framed in swirling blue-green galaxies.

    Her dark hooves trample over lush clovers as she stalks. One day she’ll learn she can survive on both plants and flesh - but though she is learning to hunt, it is all still a game. Only poor luck on the behalf of her prey would turn her clumsy attempts into success at this age.

    This does not deter her from trying, however. There is fun in the chase, in the thrill of that moment that hovers between success and failure.

    Though she tries her best - the small shapes of the winged creatures elude her before finally disappearing into flower patches with petals that span wide across the rainbow.

    A snort of frustration escapes the filly, followed by a keening, clicking call - as though beckoning her prey closer could do the trick. This time when her tail flicks behind her, it's with frustration and the movements are harsh and quick. The sharp edge of the knife it bears slices some of the shamrock leaves off the low-growing plants, scattering them to the wind.

    For the St. Patty's quest but if someone wants to reply they could!
    Escence & Eviction
    ~Twin Flame~

    Gone are the days that I remain cradled to my mother's side.  I long for adventure, unlike my other half.  "Come on you sissy!" I tease, prancing backwards, flames licking at my flesh.  Eviction lags, as always, stammering his protests.  What if we get hurt Escence?  Mother will be mad we are wandering off again.  What if... "Blah blah blah!  Let's go.  It'll be fun!  You know how to have fun right?!" My tongue sticks out as I now turn and begin to race across the meadows, sparks of fire trailing behind me.  He follows begrudgingly, the flames left in my wake his guidance to my location.

    As I wind up a tiny incline I see a strange creature in the distance.  Wings like that of the only thing I know to have them, a bat.  "Whoooaaa," the sound trails as I stare wide eyed out at the thing pouncing about the clover.  I turn to look for my brother, he is just getting to the base of the hill.  My head motions him to come quickly, "Eviction!" I yell in a whispered voice, "You gotta come see this thing!"  I look back towards the creature and it is gone.  Frantically my eyes scan the area to find the strange thing.  Eviction tromps over to my side, What thing? He says wearily.  His glowing eyes too scan the area for anything out of place before he grumbles, It was probably another stupid frog.  I snort, "It was NOT a frog!  It had wings dummy."  I begin to prance down the hill, eyes vigilant.  Eviction follows shortly after, not wanting to be alone with a winged frog creeping about.  Escence! We are getting too far away.  He looks back in the direction his mother was grazing.  I can't... Ahhhhh!  He screams jetting forward, towards his sister who is spinning around when she hears him scream.

    My body twirls around as I hear Eviction scream.  Eyes wide I look to see what had frightened him.  He cowers behind me, motioning towards a noise in the tall grasses.  I stand tall, chest puffed out.  There is a slicing noise and clovers flying in all direction.  Despite Evictions pleas to go find mother, I go closer to see if it is the thing I had seen earlier. "Hello?" I call into the void still between us.  My ears flick forward to catch any response...

    //Fire Mimicry-Summer Appearance\\
    Fire Mimicry- Fox Fire, Pheonix-Type Immortality, Fire Wings(developing)

    Beldam turns her head towards the greeting, her frustration over not being able to eat the little fairies dissipating as the prospect of something new presents itself. She moves into the grass, the blades tickling the parts of her that are not covered in what will one day be hard armour. Her shoulders and neck clear the grass, giving her a good view of the pair of foals as she approaches.

    Her black eyes blink, not giving away any thoughts or expression as they do.

    It is fascinating, seeing others her size. But so, so different than her. The accents of fire do not alarm her - her mother is haloed in it too. What alarms her most is how… bare they look. She has seen that many of the other horses here look like that too - and it still feels strange to her, after having briefly been able to believe everyone would look like her and her mom.


    Her long tail moves slowly behind her, causing the grass there to wave as it brushes against the blades. She peers at them both, tilting her head, before asking “Do you guys want a snack? I’m trying to catch one.”

    They don't need to know she has been unsuccessful so far - and they do not look as though they are equipped to hunt very well on their own.

    Escence & Eviction
    ~Twin Flame~

    Our wait is short as I stand peering into the grasses at something I'm sure is not a horse.  As it pops up and echoes my greeting my eyes widen with astonishment.  My head slowly turns to my brother showing still my wide-eyed expression.  "See!  I told you it wasn't a frog," I am about to stick my tongue out at him when I hear the creature speak again.  My head turns back, and my face looks a bit more confused than amazed.  I question why they would need to catch a clover, but it is my curiosity that coaxes my answer, "Ummm sure..."  I step towards the creature, Eviction still cowering behind me.  W-what are you doing?  Don't go over there.  Escence!  His pleas fall on deaf ears as I am already searching for whatever we are trying to catch.  "Sooo... What are we catching exactly?"  My crimson eyes looking at the abundance of snacks at my feet.  Maybe there was a new plant I have never seen before that required entrapment...

    //Fire Mimicry-Summer Appearance\\
    Fire Mimicry- Fox Fire, Pheonix-Type Immortality, Fire Wings(developing)

    Beldam eyes the colt that seems to be hiding behind his sister, wondering what his deal was. She attempts to smile at him, but she has silver, sharp teeth and it is unlikely that this gesture gives off the impression that she is hoping for. Nor does the deep black accurately display her delight at communicating to horses her own age - especially those that also are interested in hunting.

    She had been trying for a rabbit, but that was tricky enough just on her own - the three of them were surely going to spook those sneaky little critters without even trying. And they were fast. Squirrels were another favourite attempt too - though they too easily escaped upwards into trees. Not fully understanding how her wings worked, Beldam assumed one day she’d be able to fly up after them - not realizing that she’ll be far too big to do such things once she is actually able to fly.

    Not to mention, she’ll require far bigger meals than squirrels at that point.

    But the filly’s words inspire her and she brightens up at the novelty that they present. So she chirps with delight - “I’ve never had a frog before. Let’s try that.” She’d seen the leaping little things and they absolutely qualified as a nice, bite-sized snack.

    Escence & Eviction
    ~Twin Flame~

    I watch the clovers intently.  My blood red eyes searching for, something.  When the creature finally answers I begin to laugh while being grossed out at the same time.  My head rises sharply as I lean back on my hunches.  I can hear the girlish horror cry of my brother hiding behind me.  The sound of his scream and dry heaving causes me to roll with laughter.  He can hardly get a word out but manages to stumble away and back towards mother.

    My rolling in the greenery has caused some browning of the plants, but I hardly notice as I rise to my feet.  Eviction, finally catching his stomach, calls out in warning, I'm going to tell mother!  My fun is abruptly halted, my expression sours.  "Ugh... Brothers ruin EVERYTHING!"  My eyes look to the creature again and with a pout I say goodbye before stomping off after him...

    @Beldam  They'll have to meet again later!  No boys allowed xD
    //Fire Mimicry-Summer Appearance\\
    Fire Mimicry- Fox Fire, Pheonix-Type Immortality, Fire Wings(developing)

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