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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    the wicked shall receive their reward; Mast/any

    Yo,ho haul together, hoist the colours high

    If he were a dog, all this talk would have caused his hackles to raise. He just couldn't believe why anyone had attacked in the first place. He was just a kid, a grump, fat kid. He wasn't stupid though, his Mother and Father had seen to that. His Mother overly so, as with everything else she did in relation to raising him.  He listens closely as the adults do most of the discussing, most seem in agreement allies are to be sought. Perhaps even that they will need to acquire an arsenal of some sort. Surely they would, he didn't know about the others, but he himself was not fireproof.

    Magnus answers his question, he himself doesn't seem certain why a Father would do such a thing. It's complicated It always was, he is about to open his mouth to grouch to the man, when he spots someone joining them.

    He fidgets, until a grey stallion approaches, he comes off as important around here. He notices the way the others lower their heads, ah, the captain of this ship! Well good, he would have good sense of what to do. He seems just as well versed as the rest of them, informing them that they will indeed retaliate against the wrong doings of the Chamber.  This was an answer after his own heart, serve those scallywags a dose of their own medicine. Yar! Adrenaline coursed through him as he got pumped, things were going to turn around, his excitement is shadowed by another approaching stallion. Wow, they were really coming out of the woodwork.

    An eavesdropper, Anker for one is glad he had been. He was offering help, he wasn't even a member, but his kid lived here. Which mare had given him a son? He could kiss her. A well built sort of man, ready to help just because his son stayed here. Magnus should have his Dad meet this guy, that was what a proper Father should do. His features becoming dark as he thought on this, looking at Magnus but not saying a thing. It's decided then, they all seem to know what they are supposed to do, or have an idea at least. The king takes the form of a deer then, Anker can't help the way his ears fall. Really? he protests inwardly as the man offers to play spy. He doesn't think much of his shifting until the point is made that it is a good disguise. Well, yeah he would give him that, it was a good disguise if nothing else. 

    It looks like everyone is packing up getting ready to go, but then he realizes something. He and Mother had talked on it one day, and he remembered now. "Wait, Captain-sir!" He calls, hoping to catch them before they head off.  "The fae, they gave gifts to the Kingdom my Mother said. Even if they don't keep them, shouldn't you make use of what we do have, for now? I think Kronk should have something, I saw the whole fight. He charged the Chamber army even though no one was there to back him." They had taken their tree, but they could not rob the magic that was left behind by the fairies. "And Magnus says he will go to the Chamber, surely he could be offered something." Desperate times called for desperate measures, Anker could think of nothing besides all that wonderful food they had spoiled. The Queen had been taken, a girl as well, they would need all the help they could get. Even if the only help could come from horns, or a pair of wings. 

    Whale x Adorata
    Art by Matt Allen

    From above, the wicked shall receive their just reward

    Kronk felt a fullness in his heart that had not been there before. They were coming, they were talking. Action was being taken. He felt the rightness of the situation fill him, and the stocky stallion exhaled what may have been his first deep breath since the fire. He nodded at Mast as he approached. The solider in him caused him to stand a little straighter and nodded briskly.

    “Your majesty.” He said in way of a greeting. He listened to the king speak, and again nodded in agreement when he was done. They were on the same page. Together they had enough men to reach out to their potential allies, and to make a difference in their situation.

    Kronk deftly hid his surprise at Gaza’s words. He hadn’t realized they had friends enough to send them allies in their time of need. Surely, that was a good sign. He nodded in greeting to the man as his head buzzed with possibilities. Now, not for the first time this afternoon, Kronk wished he had a diplomat’s brain, as well as a warrior’s heart.

    “Gaza, your aid, however much you can give us, has come at the right time.” And it was true. They needed all the help they could get. It would seem unexpected friends were gathering to meet that need. Kronk only hoped they would be prepared for war, when it came. Kronk hoped the children would be safe, Gaza’s boy and all the rest.

    Magnus, it would seem, was as eager to be off as himself. A slight smile crossed Kronk’s sober face. He felt the feeling of action lift and buoy him. Soon, very soon, he could call himself a man again, a solider. He turned to go but stopped as Anker piped up. Kronk mustered another rare smile for him. Kronk couldn’t help but puff with pride at the lad’s words, but he resisted to urge to tousle Anker’s hair. Kronk hadn’t appreciated it what adults did the same to him at the boy’s age, he wouldn’t inflict it on Anker.

    “Thank you, lad. It’s a good thought. But, I’m only going a little ways east. A quick trip to the Falls and back. Better to save our ammo for when the hard work begins.” He winked conspiratorially at the boy. Kronk hoped that soon, very soon, they would need an air force, but now their plan was still a fledgling.



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