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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Let us dance the night away. - open / herds / kingdoms / anyone
    Silence. It was a hard thing to come across these days, but when found Mizaria cherished it like nothing else. Her eyes closed as the silence of the forest closed around her, sighing deeply a content smile touched her maw. She loved it. But it never last long. The alarmed hooting of an owl broke it and her eyes opened to search the canopy for the winged creature. She had always held a fascination toward the winged creatures of the woods, as well as the antlered ones. The young mares dark ears pivoted in search for what had alarmed the owl, but she found nothing. However her guard was up now and she was on alert as she moved herself through the forest, after her meeting with Topsail, the Queen of the Valley she had accompanied the mare back to her lands, but something about the place just didn't draw to her all that much. 
    She couldn't deny the beauty of the area, for it was like none she had ever seen, but it was not what she truly wanted, perhaps if her visit to the forest provided her with no catch she'd return to the valley and her queen. But she was curious, she hadn't reach 3 years yet and she didn't fancy being tied to one area just yet, she wished to travel and to see. To meet others, and to learn what there was to learn. This land was overflowing with a culture she knew nothing about, and she was certain each area would hold their own little secrets, just waiting to be found out.

    Delicately the young friesian trotted through the dense undergrowth of the forest, avoiding roots and rocks as she moved with grace through the threes, winding between the trunks as though she were dancing, and the sound of the leaves swaying in the canopy her song. Her maw brushed against bush after bush, sometimes she got her hair caught, but this did not slow her down, with a pull she'd untangle herself, leaving a trace of her upon the branch now marked with her hair. Easy to track, such a naive soul she was.

    The monsters running wild inside of me.

    OOC; I just want Mizaria to meet more faces, make some friends or enemies, find a new home or not, it does not bother me. I have muse for some Mizaria words. If you've any ideas you'd like to try out with her feel free to! ^^
    Son of Archam X Morigan
    Andras was out on this lovely night exploring the lands, if he was next in line to be a lead stallion to a herd he should know these lands like the back of his hoof. He was pretty familiar with the field, slightly with the meadow and grew interested in learning about the forest. He knew the field was meant to recruit and oddly enough all the new equines gathered there, the meadow was were many went to discuss with equines in privacy of there kingdom and the forest, well the forest still held its secrets.

    The bay appaloosa lurked through the night, really just in search of scoping out the lands, he wasn't looking for someone to talk to. He was young in age and still had plenty to learn, although as he was distracted from his thoughts he stepped on some branches awaking an owl from its sleeping. It hooted and made him aware of his disturbance to the creature, he looked up to it with an apologetic gaze before moving forward. He slid to a halt though when an equine came into view, he didn't know how she went undetected but perhaps it was because her pelt blended in with the night sky. He thought about passing by her and continuing his adventure but maybe a night conversation would wind up being lovely.

    He gently swayed his tailed looking around him, ensuring she was alone, and than approached her. He gave a small nicker as he made himself known to her Hello there he dipped his head politely, his horn staring at her My name is Andras, what are you doing out here so late? he asked as he lifted his head up to eye level, searching for her gaze.

    Let Go Of The Thoughts That Don't Make You Strong

    Her dancing was soon interrupted by a fellow young face, her ears perked forwards and she slowed to a halt close to the male, eyes bright with interest. She offered a smile at his words and movements and returned the gesture, lowering her head into a bow, tucking it inwards against her chest before bringing her head back up to meet the eyes of the male, Andras.
    "I am Mizaria." She replies in sweet tone, flicking her forelock from her face she reveals her soft chocolate brown eyes, warm with kindness but yet a shield of wariness still present. "I like the forest at night, its always so quiet and peaceful." She smiles once more at him, trying to understand him without asking, but nothing comes to her. "What brings you out here, Andras?"  She asks him, emphasizing on the word you, not in any kind of aggressive way, more in a playful exchange of words.
    Her eyes close slightly as a cool night breeze sweeps over them through the tops of the trees, enjoying the coolness of the air running through her mane and tail, her eyes open again to meet Andras' and she gives a shy smile, remembering that she indeed was within company now and her odd antics probably would cause some sort of mocking.
    The monsters running wild inside of me.
    Son of Archam X Morigan
    There was a rush of relief  when the mare was friendly, he has had his fair share of equines who turned upset with his presence, hopefully it was just due to disturbing there silent time. She bowed her head to him in return, which was actually a shocking sight, he has yet to meet a mare who has returned such a manner. She introduces herself as Mizaria, in which he spoke her name multiple times in his head, engraving it to memory. She had a gentle voice and a soft face, her brown eyes offering brightness to her ebony pelt. Her tone was friendly, maybe even a little bit of flirt could be detected. She stated that she liked the forest at night because it was peaceful and it certainly was that, a little eerie. maybe.

    She asked why he was out there and he laughed gently Well I haven't explored the forest much and I wanted to become familiar with its layout. I would have to agree it is peaceful at night but you should be careful being out alone and all. he might be young in age but knew all to well that stallions were ready at any time to take advantage of a mare, and it was breeding season at that. do you belong to a kingdom, or a herd? he asked simply because he could not detect a kingdom scent on her. He was young in age but everyday he grew more interested in mares, and attempted to master the skill of charm. She was a pretty mare to look at, and a friendly tone he was curious if she was looking for a kingdom to call home or simply a wanderer. 

    Let Go Of The Thoughts That Don't Make You Strong

    His questions seemed endless, and in a way, Mizaria didn't mind it at all. It had been a while since she had had any social interaction, if one were to put Topsail aside that is. The dark femme hadn't seen or spoken to the valleys queen since she had been brought to the place, and she had not met a single soul from the valley either, it had been lonely.
    "Well, the Queen of the Valley took me in for a while, but I find it lonely there.." She trailed off as thoughts wrapped her and she gave a slight frown, unsure what she really was doing, or what she had planned. "I'm open minded" She eventually settled upon, giving him another soft encouraging smile.
    "I haven't really met anyone from the Valley yet, and I've been there since early spring, so I guess I'm searching for new faces and some change of scenery" She chirped, going further in depth into her thoughts, letting them spill out for Andras to hear. His remark on the danger of being alone did not go unnoticed but she chose not to say anything, she was well aware of the danger, but either she did not care, or held confidence that nothing terribly bad would happen.
    "I must say, learning the layout of somewhere generally works best when its light." She said with a chuckle, her features lighting up in amusement. 
    The monsters running wild inside of me.

    I suck, I'm sorry ;-;
    Son of Archam X Morigan
    He listened to the mare talk about how she once belonged to the valley but they did not keep her entertained. This is not the first he has heard of equines leaving there kingdom due to loneliness, equines are known to group together. Stick to a couple or few of horses not willing to expand there circle of friendship. Luckily the Falls is very active with welcoming horses, and of course herd life is full of mares who desire a 'sister hood' of some sorts. She finished with she is open minded in which he returned a questioning glance Is that so? he said with a smirk.

    Yes solitude can be a death sentence for equines they are herd animals after all. He has never had to be alone, being born with a twin and all. He could never imagine a solitary life, it would drive him insane and he was in fact surprised that she went this long in the solitude. Well I live in my fathers herd lands, although I am next in line for the Alpha position. did that sound stupid? he is so naive But I am also a warrior for our kingdom the Falls, it is quite a beautiful land He smile gently curious to if this is what she wanted, did she want a new home or to roam?

    Let Go Of The Thoughts That Don't Make You Strong


    Where are you now? Another dream.
    The monster's running wild inside of me,
    I'm faded.

    She watched him, silently taking in his words. Listening to the way his voice filled the air, to the way he breathed. Curious about him. He was young like she was, and yet he seemed to know so much more than she already. He spoke of a herd and at the mention of it Mizaria's ears perked forth and her brown gaze held interest. And then he spoke of another kingdom and Mizaria's curiosity only grew. Andras spoke eagerly of The Falls, and Mizaria listened to his words, she had heard about the Falls from Topsail when they were making their way to the Valley and only seen a small portion of the kingdom. She was indeed interested in at least seeing the kingdom, even if she had no plans of staying there she would not refuse an offer to see more of beqanna.

    Son of Archam X Morigan
    He gazed over the ebony mare, she was very pretty, he would love to bring her back to the herd with him. He watched as she scanned over him, appearing to gain more and more interested as he spoke. He smiled to her, and she seemed interested but did not speak a word, they stood in silence for a few moments as he wondered if she would have anything to say; but she didn't. Well, I can give you a tour of either one of them if you want? he questioned stepping forward a couple paces. He scanned over the blue swirls that danced on her leg and face, he extended his neck to nuzzle up her leg How did you get those? he asked as he pulled his head back to look for her gaze.
    Let Go Of The Thoughts That Don't Make You Strong

    OOC: loveee the new HTML!

    Where are you now? Another dream.
    The monster's running wild inside of me,
    I'm faded.

    Brown eyes watched silently, taking in his words, his posture, and all that was around them. She was intrigued about this place, but she could not say for sure if she would stay. Mizaria did not require a home right now, like so many others, and although living alone without a herd or kingdom for protection, if she had to she had places to retreat to for safety.
    "I would very much like that" She chirped happily, feeling a warmth kindle inside her. 
    When he moved forth though she hesitated slightly, wondering if he may have hidden motives. She furrowed her brow slightly but quickly shook it off, confident that if he wanted anything else, he would have tried so already. Besides he was cheerful and friendly. There was no way a hidden motive was in his thoughts. Of this, Mizaria was perhaps too sure of. Too trusting in some ways.
    Her eyes watched curiously as he placed his maw on her legs, causing a shiver to run over her spine. She shift her stance slightly but otherwise didn't make any major movements. 
    "Where I'm from we do this to those who prove themselves, or hold standing." She started but hesitated on going on further, not overly keen on indulging him about her past. She offered him a gentle smile and then looked over her blue swirls, thinking about what was, and what could have been.


    The bay appaloosa scanned over the ebony mare, she seemed so innocent and joyous. He returned a gentle smile to the mare and flicked his ears up forward when she agreed to come back to the kingdom with him Great! You will love the Falls! We can stop by the herd lands after, they are both beautiful! spoken with truth, both lands held such beauty. He has yet to meet anyone who did not like the kingdom or herd lands.

    The mare seemed slightly bothered from his touch, which he certainly did not want to do. He was quick to withdraw his touch and gazed at the mare who explained the reasoning behind them, she did something worthy of receiving them. He gazed at her curious to more details but would not pry at this time You must be a strong equine than he dipped his head gently the blue is a lovely touch to your pelt he smiled before looking behind him, it would be morning soon and they should probably head to the Falls now to avoid any morning traffic from wanderers. Well, we should probably head to the Falls now he said glancing back to the ebony mare with a smile before completely turning his body around and heading in the direction of the falls.

    Let Go Of The Thoughts That Don't Make You Stronger


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