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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I Was Lightning Before the Thunder {KINGDOM ANNOUNCEMENT}
    we are crooked souls trying to stay up straight
    Warrick’s ears flip backwards cautiously, his lips twitching as concern flows freely across the bay stallion’s mahogany face. The softness of his features fall away to reveal the hardened lines of a seasoned man, his chest growing tight with the suspicion that whatever Klaudius has to tell him will not be something that brings him ease. His muscles remain taut beneath his auburn skin, his cerulean gaze piercing into the lavender-winged stallion with a sort of seriousness that has long since found his irises. He calls to the ones that are near - for Wound and Amorette especially, since the Overseer valued their opinion above all. He notices their arrivals - Dagney and Olivier (a surprise to see, though thankful that they are interested in Tephra’s business besides it being their current home), Kolera (returned, but from where?), and even Aurora. But his eyes do not react to their presence beside a gentle glance in each of their directions; too caught up in the matters at hand to offer them individual greetings. When he feels the familiar touch of Wound’s dark muzzle against his wither, pressed there with certainty and support, a audible huff leaves his own mouth, followed by a sharp snort. He is sure Wound feels the heat of his skin, the thinness of his patience and the trouble brewing in the deepest parts of his gaze as Klaudius informs the Tephrans of the current news.

    When Klaudius turns to Warrick, the Overseer hears his terms, digests them. But his mind is far from the future of Klaudius’ children, and on the notion that Sylva has possibly become the home of the damned, much like Pangea had been. He wonders if anyone remembers the land that now is at the bottom of the sea, led by a nightmare King. It is hard for him to focus, and quickly he reminds them (even the newest residents): “Peace, friends.” They were not here to argue, or to belittle.

    “Klaudius, the terms between your family and I can be discussed at length during a later time. Your offer to serve our home and protect it is enough for me to allow you and your family residency here - so do not fret over that, when there are more important things to discuss.” The Overseer pauses, allowing Dagney’s voice to be heard as she voices her own inner questions, asking the same that Warrick himself finds him asking. Tephra is a place of equality, and he allows her the opinion of Ischia and the new King - Brennen, her father. Krone swiftly continues, though her voice quickly turns to anger and soon she has left them. Warrick frowns at her departure, but does not expect her to be jovial about Ischia’s current stance and where that left her. Durotan also departs, at which Warrick snorts sharply and finds his ears falling into his neck with frustration.

    “Ischia is not my main concern,” he interjects with a frown once Kolera has offered herself to Tephra once again, and after Wound has given her opinion (the one he was waiting for - and she is eloquent, as always), his voice taut and his eyes fierce. “I will not set judgement on those who have done no harm to Tephra, or to others.” His gaze flickers to Dagney and Olivier, a terse nod given in their direction, to soothe them of any worry they might hold over their father and his island. The ‘brotherhood’ has followed the law and has done no ill in Warrick’s eyes. It is unfortunate for those who have been displaced, but there is nothing the Overseer can do to change it. They can reside here, beneath his protection, or they may live elsewhere. The matter is entirely up to them.

    The Overseer curves his neck, pawing a few times at the ground beneath him. Ischia, at this point, means little to him.

    “Our focus should be on our threat to the beyond the wasteland of Taiga. If Sylva intends to harm, we will not sit idly.” He snorts sharply, his eyes turning to Klaudius. “I must gather my people. Swear to me, Klaudius. You will protect Tephra at all costs - it is your home now. Not Ischia, but Tephra. Swear me this, and your family and yourself will be bonded to our home as if you had always been here. If this is your solemn vow, follow me.”

    He then turns to Wound. His face softens for a moment when his gaze finds hers (all the hardness of the Overseer fades away, leaving only the man she sees most clearly), nearly cheek to cheek.

    “Gather who else you can. Times of peace are nearly at an end; we must ready ourselves.”

    He then moves away from the borders of the kingdom in an easy lope, moving deeper into Tephra so that he can inform others of the tides and their changes, expecting his residents and Klaudius to move inward with him.

    His call does not go unanswered.  This pleased him.  At least there were residents.  Not many but some.  Those that do present themselves offer their input to what he says, be it criticism or constructive.  An interesting pair sounds off first.  Clearly defensive of his position on Ischia.  What he mentions of it was just stating why they had arrived here.  The brotherhood can have their island and their values.  They were simply not his, so he offers the pair a nod of understanding.

    Next Krone, irritated still of the situation, chimes in then storms off.  Followed quickly by Durotan.  The wound is still fresh and his intentions were not to reopen them.  Simply to explain the situation at hand so all are informed equally.  Silver-hazel eyes watch, beneath the iron mask he wore, the pair watch off.  Warrick calls for peace, looking to his subjects and demanding order.  He has not come here to bicker.  Ears flick forwards as Warrick addresses the proposal of training the young ones.  His head dips, "Of course.  Securing Tephra is of the upmost importance."

    The others offer themselves to the cause.  Wound, wisdom and diplomacy are obvious strong points.  A milk and honey mare, healing.  But it is the bay mare and spotted colt that peak his interest.  She steps forward with a knowing gaze upon him.  Studying his face as if it is from a memory long ago.  His name comes from her dark lips followed by her own.  It is familiar from a time long, long ago.  A time when he remembers meeting a navy dipped stallion in a meadow of this very island.  The same stallion who had found his little bay sister alone.  He had been young then, darker.  Mother had brought them here to visit a grandfather that never showed.  His brow furrows as the memories surface.  "Kolera," he tests the name, "How could I forget my little sis... It is good to see you are well.  We must catch up, but later.  There are tasks at hand that must be addressed." 

    He had spoke quietly to her as Warrick gathered his followers.  Telling his most faithful companions to gather the rest as he is beginning to usher the gathering inland.  The overseer turns to him suddenly and in a stern voice, makes his demands of him.  Lavender ears flick forward as he straightens his stance.  Hearing all the requirements of his presence in the Tephran kingdom, the Tephran family.  His answer is short and punctual, "I give myself to Tephra and her people." 

    He brushes his muzzle along his children's crests, instructing them to find their mother and bring her along.  Quickly he follows behind the overseer... 

    I was lightning, before the thunder

    Conclusion... Long Live Tephra! XD

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