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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mature]  here we are in the heart of the darkness; Briseis
    little do you know how I'm breaking while you fall asleep,
    little do you know I'm still haunted by the memories,
    little do you know I'm trying to pick myself up piece by piece

    She has never been one to lean towards emotional tendencies, but he has always been able to draw them out of her. When she would normally be reserved and stoic, he somehow coaxed to the surface something far more tender and passionate, something that was tempestuous and beyond her control. Perhaps she was a fool, to forgive and forget so easily. But after he had sparked color in her otherwise black and white world, she found that she could not give him up; she could not risk losing him in any capacity, even if it meant letting go of every hurt and ache she had endured for the last several months.

    His yellow eyes smolder against the pitch-darkness of his face, and her own dark brown ones remain sedate while they watch him, although something more fervent lingers beneath the surface. It alights when his teeth find her skin, and she does not retreat when he presses into her, the coolness of his shadowy skin fitting so perfectly into her warm curves. Her skin trembles in response to his touch, and even though his sharp teeth merely scratch the surface, the feeling it evokes permeates into her bones.

    “Which part?” Comes her breathy murmur, her lips finding the flat of his cheek, and the groove of his throat. “That I’m yours?” She had never thought it to be possible. She had never imagined her mind, body, and soul could belong so wholly to another, and never did she think such an innocent encounter with the dark stallion with the golden eyes would turn into this. But she was his; irrevocably and completely his, and she wanted nothing more as to make sure that he knew it. That he knew just as well as she knew it. “Or that I still want you?” She wonders if he can feel it, the way the heat of anticipation and longing radiates off of her. If he can feel the way she quivers and melts beneath his touch, with her own lips still caressing and exploring his neck.

    “I’m yours,” She is unwavering in her statement, but when her touch lingers along his jaw, there is something carnal and heavy when she says, “And I want you.”

    underneath it all I'm held captive by the hole inside,
    I've been holding back for the fear that you might change your mind

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: here we are in the heart of the darkness; Briseis - by Briseis - 02-23-2019, 08:46 PM

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