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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    .:New home, new friends:.
    I had never been told much when I was but a child. A fantasy setting of prince charming and dashing Knights. I was not the lithe princesses of such tales, just the clumsy titanic beast of red. Just Eld. I was just Eld. So when Chezter tells me such things, my eyes swell with damp tears, my body feels like stone and lead.

    'I didn't mean to offend you, Chezter. It is just so sudden and I... I don't know what to say.' the lump in my throat finally settles and my eyes return to the glossy shine of emerald. I shake my head, letting ribbons of Crimson mane fall across my neck, my face.

    'You think because Texas gave me Akos, I love him? I'm sorry Chezter but love is something stronger than just bearing a child. I don't even know what love is. Texas is a good man, I owe him much for giving me my beautiful child, but love? I dare not think that any are capable of loving me.' my tugly ears turn back against my crown, a little defeated. What do I say, would could possibly be said when someone has practically thrown their heart at you? I feel the weighty burden of regret sit just behind my sloping shoulders.

    'Chezter, please. I don't know what to say but how, how can you think you love me?' I recall the same question my mother had asked my father and he rolled his shoulders and said nothing. I shivered at the thought, I was young, I was.. Look at me, I'm not a lithe goddess of flowers and beauty, I was just Eld. Becoming quite distressed at the idea I called, perhaps a little too loudly. Aggravated by myself and now by Chezter. How could he love me? Did he even know what those words meant? Soul and heart, body and mind. You just couldn't give them freely out, like chocolates or flowers.

    'Chezter, I think you are confused. I am sorry if I led you on somehow but... I, I'm sorry.' earlobes pin against my crown, and my tail snaps against my hocks. He's walking away, leaving me to stifle on the fire he has stoked.
    I turn around, realizing the wrong I had done. "You did nothing wrong. I do love you. I know love isn't just having a child. I'm sorry. I'm the one who messed up. You are special. You are Eld, mother of Akos. Who could replace you? If you weren't here, Akos wouldn't be here. I wouldn't be here at the falls. We would never have met. You never would have had your wonderful son. All the other horses you have brought here wouldn't be here." I decided to stay. I do love her. How can I prove it to her? "How can I prove my love? I would die for you. I will abandon my throne for you. I want to be a part of you and Akos life." I see the dawn coming. A new morning is beginning.
    I watched him with gentle eyes, fluffy ears turning stop my crown to listen, to absorb his words. I wasn't understsnding how we had just met and he had taken it upon himself to claim he loved me. Was this what love was like? The thought peppered my spine with a shiver. I shook my head, trying go chuckle, to break the thick air. My should tolling, shrugging.

    'No one has to die for anyone. Not for a long time, Chezter.' I sent him a pointed look, stepping my vast red frame forward. 'Love is a very strong word, Chezter. It can make and it can break, please try and not get hurt. I can be friends, for sure. Perhaps... Perhaps that might lead to more but right now, please try and think of my circumstance. Akos is young, he is my pride and joy, and my focus right now.' tired eyes close for s few moments, strawberry plume swatting my hinds.

    'Please understand. Maybe, maybe something will grow, like a planted seed, into something beautiful. But right now, I can't water that seed. I have hardly any sunlight for it.' I say, edging a little closer and brushing my salmon tinged nose against his shoulder. Hopefully no hard feelings.

    'Such a topic is so draining. Tell me, Chezter. In the Fslls, there are two castes, the army and the diplomats. We have both you could join or be in favour of the other. Or you could simply stay as a resident. It's nice enough here you could get lost for days, without realising.' I snort then, shaking my head. 'At least until you find your Queen.'
    "I'll stay. I like, it here better. I don't have fears here. I want to be friends. Its just, well, I've never had any.

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