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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    A Fresh Adventure in the Morning (Any)
    "I have not," Sorea replied simply. In that moment, it seemed her thoughts had been wrong about Jedi and his intentions. He had said he did not have kin, nor the time to court a mare. In slight annoyance, Sorea swished her tail loudly. It was on her mind to then ask Jedi if he wanted to accompany her on her explorations of the day, but suddenly, her whole body stiffened.

    Having been on the subject of foaling and kingdom roles, Sorea remembered Phaedrus. Now, it didn't quite seem to matter what Jedi did or didn't feel for her--she already belonged to someone else. "Jedi, I've made a big mistake," she admitted. "I shouldn't have stayed in the Falls as long as I have."

    Her eyes widening, Sorea broke into a canter and fled past him, her powerful strides returning the snow on the ground into the air.

    The stallion was slightly relieved to hear the Sorea had never been courted, it was odd to find a mare un-courted in these lands. Before he could give a response out she said that she had made a mistake and bolted away. The stags eyes opened with confusion, why did she run? What trouble could she possibly be in, that she couldn't stay in the Falls?

    Jedi had questioned running after her, although he didnt mind the idea of stretching his legs out wether he talked himself into or not the stag extended his legs and ran after the mare "Sorea....Wait up!" he yelled out, it was easy to find the mare as her hoof prints were tracked in the snow. 



    image © Lisa Dijk
    Unable to hear Jedi's calls, Sorea cantered only a short distance before she realized she had no idea how to reach the Dale. The mare slid to a quick halt, though she turned her head to see if Jedi had chosen to follow. With delight, she saw he had. When at last the stallion reached her, Sorea flattened her ears in embarrassment.

    "It was silly for me to run," she admitted. "I have no idea where I'm going, and I didn't even tell you why."

    Having been on her own for so long, it appeared she had forgotten her manners and acted a little too rashly. "When Ashara found me, another stallion had approached us," Sorea began. "His name was Pheadron (as she understood it), and I agreed to be apart of his herd after Ashara showed me the Falls."

    Bowing her head a little, Sorea stomped one of her forelegs in frustration. "I'd hate to break a promise, but I feel I belong here. Do you think he would... come looking for me, if I didn't go to the Dale?"

    The mare continued to run, she couldn't hear him so calling out to her was pointless. She eventually slowed and to his relief turned back to him. He gave a snort waring out his energy running after her. He listened patiently as she told him about Pheaderus, he has only heard of the stallion and never met him. Jedi gave an honest shrug "Im not sure what he would do, but most herd stallions will come looking for a mare they claimed" herd stallions were ruthless. They kept tabs on there mares and tried keeping them from going to far. Jedi was sure the stallion would come looking for Sorea at some point. He felt bad for the mare but it looked like the only option was to tell the stag she didn't want to be in his herd. If the stag wasn't an asshole he would most likely release her, although if he was an asshole......He could refuse to let her return to the Falls. 

    Jedi looked over the mare, he felt bad but there was nothing he could do for her. She made her decisions and now she has to keep her promise or try and be freed. "Whatre you going to do?" he asked curious to if he should continue interest in the mare.



    image © Lisa Dijk
    Jedi's words confirmed her fears, and Sorea could feel her anxiety mounting. Pheadron would probably come looking for her, so the only clear answer seemed to be to go to him, and ask to be released from her promise. Hopefully, he was a kind enough stallion to realize she had found where she belonged. Hopefully...

    In that moment, Sorea exhaled loudly from her nostrils, similar to a human sigh. She didn't want to think about not seeing Ashara again if Pheadron kept his claim to her, or especially, Jedi.

    "I suppose I must go to him," she answered warily. "I must tell him my affections have been captured by many things here at the Falls."

    Her eyes on Jedi's, she hoped her next request wouldn't be too much of a burden. "If you know the way... will you take me there?"
    [Ygritte and Ash will. Sorry haven't written it up yet. Was surfing yesterday and working today. If not tonight. Tomorrow for sure.]
    Ok! No problem.

    Jedi looked at the mare who appeared displeased with her previous decision. He felt bad, but he has not dealt with a mare choosing a kingdom separate from her Herd. He extended his muzzle to her shoulder attempting to comfort the mare. His eyes grew wise as she asked to escort her to the Dale. He gave a shake of his head.

    "Although I know were the Dale is, I do not know where Phaderous Herd is. I am sure Ygritte or Ashara will bring you" If the queen was to busy with her tasks and foals, he knew that Ashara, Yrgrittes right hand man would be able to do it. "I hope everything works out the way you want it to" he brushed up against the mare before departing. That may be the last time he sees the mare, she may want to stay in the Dale and not face the heartbreak of leaving the Falls, or vice versa. He enjoyed the mares company and hoped she would return, but he would not make any promises to himself.



    image © Lisa Dijk
    His words were simple, logical. He could take her to the Dale, but not lead her to Pheadron's herd. Sorea lowered her head in disappointment at many things. Why had she agreed to such terms? Pheadron had told her she could choose both, and Ashara didn't seem against it, either. But now, the time had come to choose.

    With an ache in her heart Sorea said nothing as Jedi brushed lightly against her--his quiet way of saying goodbye, perhaps. She had almost hoped he would challenge the stallion and win her freedom, but he held no obligation to do so, and Sorea would never ask for such a favor. It was probably a good thing the mare was deaf, for when Jedi was out of sight, she kept her eyes forward, unable to hear the sound of his fading hooves.

    She was alone again, as she had been for three years, but it didn't matter anymore. In that time she'd grown used to it, but for now it was only temporary. Starting forward, Sorea set off at a canter to find the golden mare and figure out her future.


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