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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    [open]  this crooked posture is all you’ve ever known; any

    I'll settle for the ghost of you.

    Denial is a powerful thing and can be wielded with the same strength that feeds the force of flames that erupt around the stranger. There is only curiosity as he watches the other stretch and bend, the horns that sprout from his brow, and then that peculiar invasion that surprisingly doesn’t scare him at all even as he staggers slightly and black clouds and white spots begin to creep at the edge of his vision as it presses against his heart. Even that seems familiar in a way, the dark force that touches him threateningly, and he doesn’t understand why. Or does he?

    The shadow voice is still purring and he feels that if he allowed a single soul to come through in this very moment, Terror will be first in line and he might not even mind the additional company. He keeps a firm grasp on the fire, refusing to release it, but allows the flames to die down slightly as his unwavering feral eyes stay steady on the other.

    Prime is lucky to have learned how to bury those aches, to have had the guidance of his father. But then again, Firion hadn’t raised him. He hadn’t had anyone until Aela had come along. It was only by either luck on his end or maybe misfortune on Firion’s that they had been brought together in the Forest. That strength of Fyr’s denial so powerful even as a young colt as he refused to admit what was so blindingly obvious for everyone else to see. “Me from the future”, is what he had stupidly called him and he can still recall the etch of concern that had settled on Aela’s forehead.

    He liked Firion. The regret of not being able to help him still lingered. So it was a different ache that settled along the cruel moniker of terrible. And it would hurt all that much more to know that this half-brother had been claimed by him while he had not. He would know the answer instantly, why?


    His feral gaze looks over the flattened ears, the unamused expression, and remembers the advice of his mother to pit himself against the best of the best. That threat against him seems like a small taste of what the other could do and a strange smile finds his pale lips in acknowledgment of this. He wonders if he could erupt the other's heart into flames and make it combust, if he could do so before the other could strike him out once and for all. The prospect is rather thrilling, either way. The dark voice coos with delight.

    Suddenly disgusted with himself, he drops the ring of fire fully until the only hints of orange is what flickers along his spine. “Because I think I’m suppose to find something here and thought it might be you.” He finally admits, his brow furrowed as he thinks and tries to ignore the building throb in the back of his skull. “I’m Fyr.” Not in the way of fire, but the other way. The one that seems to fit for some reason in this situation. "What was that... That thing you did?"


    Photo by Little Willow Art


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    RE: this crooked posture is all you’ve ever known; any - by Fyr - 03-01-2022, 06:22 PM

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