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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    [open]  cause I'm so dope and you're a fiend
    cause i’m so dope and you’re a fiend

    A half-assed chuckle escaped his lips, amused by her boldness in questioning his blatantly horrid decisions. The fact that he was equally as impulsive as he was complacent never seemed to work out well, but learnining from mistakes was not in his repertoire. Though the questioned he needed an answer went ignored, he found himself startled by the small warmth he felt just hearing another's voice. There was no recollection of the last time he made any attempt to conversate with another. The only voice he remembered was the one he yearned to forget. Instead it remained tucked in his brain, or whatever was left of it. As he shifted his weight, swaying slightly in an attempt to ease the tingly sensation shooting through his numb limbs, he released a breath he was unaware he was holding. He tilted his head, attempting to size her up. Harmless enough, he found himself thinking. He no longer tried to hide the glances towards her horn. It was like nothing he had ever seen before. Apparently, wherever he was, the inhabitants may be of quite a different breed.

    "I would still be sleeping if someone had not disturbed me." Though his tone remained flat, a little twitch of his brow was the only indication that it was perhaps a joke. He allowed a few moments to pass, her mention of the stone caused his muscles to suddenly feel stiff, his jaw and neck throbbing. The stranger had a point, his slumber was anything but restful and his entire body ached. At least he had stopped moving, now the question hanging in the air was that of his stay here. He debated ignoring her question, turning and meandering away to keep fleeing, to keep forgetting. But he remained tethered. Surely this creature had more information for him? Afterall, she was here as well. Unless she had quite literally dropped from the sky, there was information being withheld. 

    The thought briefly flickered across his mind that he could start anew. Buried deep was the sense that simply running through life was a horrible way to do it. In his bones, he remembered what it felt like to love. His family was his world. She became his world. In that phase of his life, Hackjob had never felt safer. All he knew now was regret. Though he had never prayed before in his life, he spent the last year begging whatever deities would listen to go back. To never choose her, to remain grounded in the warmth of his home. If they would give him the chance, she would have never become his kryptonite. Perhaps then, he would be himself, not this hollowed out shell. The thought briefly crossed his mind that the horn could mean magic. Believing in magic was childish, disappointing. A miracle would be welcome though, and besides, there was no lower for him to sink.   

    "I sleep where I sleep, stone or no stone." With an exaggerated dipping of his head, he slid his right leg forward and bowed. Smirking, he met her eyes. "Hackjob. Now please humor me, what are you doing out here all alone?



    Messages In This Thread
    cause I'm so dope and you're a fiend - by Hackjob - 09-15-2022, 05:21 PM
    RE: cause I'm so dope and you're a fiend - by Hackjob - 09-25-2022, 11:37 AM

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