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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Catch my heart on a string [Reave]

    If Reave actually were the gentleman he claimed, he would have to admit that it probably would not be very chivalrous to let her risk consuming the potentially poisonous mushroom. But Reave is not a gentleman, not really. Lilli had tried very hard of course, but there’s only so much one could do for a boy as hedonistic as Reave is turning out to be. Answering once and for all (at least in his case) the age old question of nature versus nurture.

    So as she quips back her retort, Reave’s nose wrinkles in disagreeable denial before another laugh escapes. “Well, if we’re being fair, you’re the one with all the mushroom knowledge. Surely you can tell the bad ones from the good?” His brows lift as he peers questioningly at her, heavily implying that perhaps she couldn’t.

    To his surprise, the mushrooms are quickly forgotten in lieu of the former subject. Something clearly caught entirely in her imagination now. Reave of course doesn’t truly believe Yanhua to be the curious Grodylin, but to his amusement, a memory clinging to lighthearted amusement is now surrounding Memorie. A patchwork memory of her father and the shaggy, shelled beast she’d met, pasted swiftly together.

    He laughs at the image, delighted that she had been so enamored by his fanciful notion she had chosen to craft a memory to suit. To a less discerning eye, it might even have felt as real as the truth. If Reave had seen only the memories that clung so tenaciously to her more tumultuous emotions, he might even have been inclined to believe. But Reave had seen much, much more. Memory could be fickle, but sight most certainly is not.

    With a wide grin stretching his lips, Reave chooses to lean into it however. “I knew it!” he announces triumphantly, eyes gleaming as he peers impishly at Memorie. “He does make a rather spectacular beast.” His grin widens then, gaze shifting speculatively to the forest beyond Memorie. “Maybe we should go catch him in his nightly exploits.“



    Messages In This Thread
    Catch my heart on a string [Reave] - by Memorie - 01-14-2021, 05:19 PM
    RE: Catch my heart on a string [Reave] - by Reave - 01-15-2021, 01:42 PM
    RE: Catch my heart on a string [Reave] - by Reave - 02-08-2021, 10:58 AM
    RE: Catch my heart on a string [Reave] - by Reave - 02-18-2021, 10:02 AM
    RE: Catch my heart on a string [Reave] - by Reave - 03-01-2021, 11:03 AM
    RE: Catch my heart on a string [Reave] - by Reave - 03-08-2021, 11:44 AM
    RE: Catch my heart on a string [Reave] - by Reave - 03-30-2021, 11:11 AM

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